Thursday, November 10, 2011

We live the life You intended for us

Kanhaji has laid out our lives. He knows what He wants from us now and in the future. He knows that when we make our choices there are consequences. I'm sure He wishes that we would understand that too. Sometimes we all find ourselves comparing our lives to others - someone else might be more intelligent, score better marks in school, be better looking, a better driver, a better worker, a better student. Even within families we make comparisons. However, the truth that we should remember is that Kanhaji made us the way He did for a reason and that He wants us to be the best we can be with the life that He gave us. We must all strive to do right and good things because in the long run Kanhaji will remember what we did, even if no one else does. We should try to make the world a better place and be good to the people we love and care about. We must remember to pray to Kanhaji and meditate on His words. After all, He is the one who sent us here, to make the world a better place. Kanhaji, we all thank You for the opportunities You have given to us. We thank You for Your love and protection and we ask that You help us to be better people. Jai Shri Krishna!

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