Thursday, November 24, 2011


"As a boat on the water is swept away by a strong wind, even one of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence." Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Shloka 67 Procrastination is a big challenge for many of us. We tend to procrastinate because we always think that there is more time in the future to do something. We feel that last minute deadlines give us a rush and therefore if no one is bothering us for the work it cannot be that important to finish it in the allotted time. However, Kanhaji says in the above verse that we should all try to maintain our focus on tasks. For a long time I thought that multitasking was efficient and then I read an article that said that multitasking actually reduces our concentration since we never fully focus on one thing - instead we end up doing several things badly instead of one thing well. It is like being a 'jack of all trades but king of none'. To maintain our focus we must try to think of the thing we want and nothing else. We must want to be near to Kanhaji to really reach Him. We should think of Him all the time and try to do good for others and help others. We should try to complete the tasks we have been set and do them well. Maintaining our focus will take practice and of course, for each person the recipe is different - we must find the things that help us to focus on Kanhaji and apply them to our everyday lives - a picture of Him in our rooms or offices, a bhajan on our iPods, a book, a tune to hum. We can find ways to keep our minds focused on the right thing if we wish to, it will merely take practice, like everything in life. Jai Shri Krishna!

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