Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kanhaji knows what is right

How often do we find ourselves disliking the position we are in and blaming God for it? He is not to blame. He knows what should be done given our prior decisions. Free will means that we make our own decisions and He helps us to deal with them. We cannot blame Him for something that we created for ourselves. What we can do is ask for His guidance along the way and pray that He will help us to choose the right path for whatever it is we are trying to do. I think that most people think of Kanhaji as someone to be feared. Our general concept of God is that He is a distant figure who we should pray to for the purpose of pleasing Him. But, I realised a long time ago that Kanhaji is not some formidable being waiting to punish us. He can also be our friend, our parent, whatever we want Him to be in our lives. Kanhaji loves us and cares for us and He will feel hurt when we blame Him for the negative things that happen in our lives. Those who are parents - think of how badly you feel when your children blame you for their mistakes. All of us - we don't like to be blamed for something that is not our fault. So of course He will be sad when we do that. We should remember that He loves us and we should try to forge a better relationship with Him by talking to Him constantly, confiding in Him and loving Him. Truly loving Kanhaji is not something that can be forced or taught. It is something that happens on its own. It is similar to falling in love with a person - as the relationship grows, so do the feelings. Let us try to form a better relationship with Kanhaji today. Jai Shri Krishna!

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