Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Accepting Kanhaji's will

Many times we claim to accept what Kanhaji has thought out for us. We say that we will accept whatever He gives to us. But, then we are disappointed when things do not go our way. We may have wanted a certain result in an exam, a promotion, a particular gift, or even a different reaction from a person we love. However, at a later time we see that the thing that we sought so desperately turned out to be not as attractive as we initially imagined. If this happens then we realise that Kanhaji really did choose the correct path for us because He could see things that we could not. We should remember these little occurrences for the future when we again feel disappointed at something not happening the way we would have liked. But sadly, often we do not and we get angry and annoyed at Kanhaji for not fulfilling our desires. The thing about our relationship with Kanhaji is that we should learn to understand that He is on our side. Always. We have become so accustomed to the ways of people who are on our side for short periods but really are pursuing their own desires. Kanhaji is not a person. He is God. Bhagwan. Creator, Destroyer, Guide, Friend, Father, Brother, Husband, Lover. He is everything to us. In the Srimad Bhagavat Gita Chapter 9 Shloks 16-19: “O Arjuna, I am the Vedic rituals such as agniñöoma, the smärta-yajïas such as vaiçva-deva, and I am çräddha, the oblation to the forefathers. I am the potency of the healing herb, the mantra, the ghee, the fire and I am homa or yajïa. I am the mother, the father, the maintainer and the grandsire of the universe. I am the object of knowledge and the purifier. I am the syllable oà and I am also the Åg, Yajur and Säma Vedas. I am destiny in the form of the fruit of karma, the sustainer, the Lord, the witness, the abode, the refuge and the dearest wellwishing friend. I am the creation, the dissolution. the basis, the resting place and the eternal seed. I give heat and I withhold and release the rain. I am immortality and I am death personified. I am the cause of everything and also the effect; spirit and matter are both in Me.” Here Kanhaji clearly tells us that He is everything. We should therefore learn to accept that He always has our best interests at heart. He always wants what is best for us. He is aware of our unique personalities and He knows how to fulfill our hearts desires in the long run, not just the short run. Meditating on Kanhaji and remembering Him always will help us to accept that His will is supreme and should always govern everything that we do. We should always accept Him and should always thank Him for being with us. Jai Shri Krishna!

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