Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kanhaji blesses us

Today I went to a Ramayan and the pundit said that life would not be life without all of our experiences - both good and bad. He said that we should remember that if we change something in our lives then other actions will also be affected. So, every single action has a consequence - it makes up our lives. Sometimes we find ourselves envying others and wishing that our lives were as easy as theirs. But the truth is that everyone has their good and bad experiences and Kanhaji has made it that way - if a person has a pure heart and they want to serve God then He will know and He will allow us to serve Him. He will keep us all safe and guide us with His divine blessings. Kanhaji's blessings take many forms and He will always be with us and take care of us. But his care may take the form of tough love too - He may wish to have us endure certain hardships so that our future will be influenced by them. He will want us to remember the good and the bad experiences and He will help us to get through the bad to the good. Jai Shri Krishna!

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