Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dispelling evil

Kanhaji is the dispeller and vanquisher of all things evil. I was recently watching a cartoon about His feats - Krishna's wondrous feats is the name of it. It was absolutely amazing to see how much He did and how evil was never able to overcome Him, ever. I think that when people read and see these stories recreated they,we, take them all too literally. The truth is that these scriptures are for us to understand how to live and I think that many people consider themselves holy but the act in unholy ways. Kanhaji sent His teachings to remind us that we must fight evils every single day - they may not be in the form of actual demons, but they are in the form of inner turmoil that we have to conquer or even external influences. The truth is, every single day Kanhaji shows us how to deal with everything that is hard in our lives. We just have not deciphered fully the meaning of His divine words and blessings. Kanhaji, thank You for teaching us how to deal with evil - always conquer it, never befriend it. Thank You for Your blessings on us all. Jai Shri Krishna!

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