Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kanhaji knows what is right

How often do we find ourselves disliking the position we are in and blaming God for it? He is not to blame. He knows what should be done given our prior decisions. Free will means that we make our own decisions and He helps us to deal with them. We cannot blame Him for something that we created for ourselves. What we can do is ask for His guidance along the way and pray that He will help us to choose the right path for whatever it is we are trying to do. I think that most people think of Kanhaji as someone to be feared. Our general concept of God is that He is a distant figure who we should pray to for the purpose of pleasing Him. But, I realised a long time ago that Kanhaji is not some formidable being waiting to punish us. He can also be our friend, our parent, whatever we want Him to be in our lives. Kanhaji loves us and cares for us and He will feel hurt when we blame Him for the negative things that happen in our lives. Those who are parents - think of how badly you feel when your children blame you for their mistakes. All of us - we don't like to be blamed for something that is not our fault. So of course He will be sad when we do that. We should remember that He loves us and we should try to forge a better relationship with Him by talking to Him constantly, confiding in Him and loving Him. Truly loving Kanhaji is not something that can be forced or taught. It is something that happens on its own. It is similar to falling in love with a person - as the relationship grows, so do the feelings. Let us try to form a better relationship with Kanhaji today. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Kanhaji's miracles

Miracles happen when Kanhaji wants them to. He can make anything happen and He does that sometimes. He uses His divine ability to correct wrongs, to heal the ill and to help us all. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


In my quest to find an appropriate definition for 'meditation' I of course turned to! There I found a separate link for 'transcendental meditation' which is defined in this way: "transcendental meditation  noun a technique, based on ancient Hindu writings, by which one seeks to achieve a relaxed state through regular periods of meditation during which a mantra is repeated. Abbreviation: TM" (from Meditation in this form is done to focus only on God. I was recently watching the show 'Kahani Mahabharat Ki' produced by Ekta Kapoor and that shows how people can impress God by meditating and He grants them a boon. When we pray we often ask for things - help, protection, love, miracles. Kanhaji tries to grant our wishes but in the end He must only do what is right. He cannot grant all of our wishes because sometimes what we ask for is not a good desire for ourselves. He knows what is good for us and what isn't and we should trust Him. Meditation today helps us to focus on God and to be closer to Kanhaji. It helps us to train our minds to think about only good things and not negative things. Chants like 'Hare Krishna' help us to remain focused while meditating. There are many songs that also help us along. What I like about meditation is the sense of peace achieved after it. And the negative thoughts can be driven away with practice and hard work, like everything else in life meditation requires practice. According to the Srimad Bhagvad Gita: "He who meditates on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his mind constantly engaged in remembering Me, undeviated from the path, he, O Partha [Arjuna], is sure to reach Me." (Bhagvad Gita Chapter 8, Shloka 8 from the site: Therefore Kanhaji is telling us the way to get to Him and that is through meditation and constantly thinking of Him. I have chosen the picture I did today because Radharani is meditating on Kanhaji in this pictures. Were we so lucky to be in His presence like she was, would we have recognised Him for who He truly is? We should think about that and also try to be good to others because Kanhaji is all around. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Kanhaji's motivation

Kanhaji motivates us to do our very best. He guides us and helps us to be better than we hoped and better than others expected. He wants us to achieve our full potential. In the Gita there are many times when Kanhaji encourages Arjuna to be who he was born to be and to fight: "Sanjaya said: Having spoken thus, Arjuna, chastiser of enemies, told Krsna, "Govinda, I shall not fight," and fell silent." Chapter #: 2 Shloka #: 9 "Only the material body of the indestructible, immeasurable and eternal living entity is subject to destruction; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata." Chapter #: 2 Shloka #: 18 "Considering your specific duty as a ksatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles; and so there is no need for hesitation." Chapter #: 2 Shloka #: 31 "O Partha, happy are the ksatriyas to whom such fighting opportunities come unsought, opening for them the doors of the heavenly planets." Chapter #: 2 Shloka #: 32 "If, however, you do not fight this religious war, then you will certainly incur sins for neglecting your duties and thus lose your reputation as a fighter." Chapter #: 2 Shloka #: 33 "O son of Kunti, either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore get up and fight with determination." Chapter #: 2 Shloka #: 37 "Do thou fight for the sake of fighting, without considering happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat--and, by so doing, you shall never incur sin." Chapter #: 2 Shloka #: 38 "Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me, with mind intent on Me, and without desire for gain and free from egoism and lethargy, fight." Chapter #: 3 Shloka #: 30 "Therefore the doubts which have arisen in your heart out of ignorance should be slashed by the weapon of knowledge. Armed with yoga, O Bharata, stand and fight." Chapter #: 4 Shloka #: 42 "Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Krsna and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt." Chapter #: 8 Shloka #: 7 "Therefore get up and prepare to fight. After conquering your enemies you will enjoy a flourishing kingdom. They are already put to death by My arrangement, and you, O Savyasaci, can be but an instrument in the fight." Chapter #: 11 Shloka #: 33 "The Blessed Lord said: All the great warriors--Drona, Bhisma, Jayadratha, Karna--are already destroyed. Simply fight, and you will vanquish your enemies." Chapter #: 11 Shloka #: 34 "If you do not act according to My direction and do not fight, then you will be falsely directed. By your nature, you will have to be engaged in warfare." Chapter #: 18 Shloka #: 59 But this shows us that Kanhaji will always encourage us to do what He called us to do. He encourages Arjuna throughout and gives him the guidance he needs to do what he must. Kanhaji will encourage us to do the same. He will always help us to achieve what He wants for us. He will always take care of us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


"As a boat on the water is swept away by a strong wind, even one of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence." Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Shloka 67 Procrastination is a big challenge for many of us. We tend to procrastinate because we always think that there is more time in the future to do something. We feel that last minute deadlines give us a rush and therefore if no one is bothering us for the work it cannot be that important to finish it in the allotted time. However, Kanhaji says in the above verse that we should all try to maintain our focus on tasks. For a long time I thought that multitasking was efficient and then I read an article that said that multitasking actually reduces our concentration since we never fully focus on one thing - instead we end up doing several things badly instead of one thing well. It is like being a 'jack of all trades but king of none'. To maintain our focus we must try to think of the thing we want and nothing else. We must want to be near to Kanhaji to really reach Him. We should think of Him all the time and try to do good for others and help others. We should try to complete the tasks we have been set and do them well. Maintaining our focus will take practice and of course, for each person the recipe is different - we must find the things that help us to focus on Kanhaji and apply them to our everyday lives - a picture of Him in our rooms or offices, a bhajan on our iPods, a book, a tune to hum. We can find ways to keep our minds focused on the right thing if we wish to, it will merely take practice, like everything in life. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kanhaji gives us knowledge

I begin with four quotes from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita: "O best among the Bharatas [Arjuna], four kinds of pious men render devotional service unto Me--the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute." Chapter #: 7 Shloka #: 16 "Of these, the wise one who is in full knowledge in union with Me through pure devotional service is the best. For I am very dear to him, and he is dear to Me." Chapter #: 7 Shloka #: 17 "All these devotees are undoubtedly magnanimous souls, but he who is situated in knowledge of Me I consider verily to dwell in Me. Being engaged in My transcendental service, he attains Me." Chapter #: 7 Shloka #: 18 "After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare." Chapter #: 7 Shloka #: 19 These quotes tell how much Kanhaji values the knowledge that we wish to get from Him. He thinks that those who wish to attain this knowledge are really His greatest devotees. We must strive to remember the first quote where He speaks about the four different kinds of devotees. We should try to see if we can elevate ourselves to the highest level of devotees. We can all privately assess ourselves to determine what group we are currently in and then try to move to another group that is higher up in their devotion to Kanhaji. Kanhaji gives us this kind of knowledge when we seek it. He also gives us another kind of knowledge - knowledge of ourselves and of what we need to do. Kanhaji helps us to understand who we are and what direction we should go in. He helps us to find our true calling, even if we first have to go through a few failed attempts. The important thing is that we remain focused on Him alone and that we do as He wants us to do. We can only really know this after we have prayed to Him many times and have asked for His guidance, love and forgiveness for sins we may have committed. He may punish us, we must know this. But, He will help us in the end. After all, Kanhaji is like a parent to us. We should always remember to follow his rules and our lives will run smoothly. Kanhaji, thank You for giving us knowledge. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kanhaji sends challenges

Kanhaji sends us challenges in life. He does this for a variety of reasons - to make us stronger, to punish us, to keep us from danger, to help us to be good people. When we are dealing with challenges we must remember to pray to Kanhaji - He will help us to overcome the challenges and to be successful. He will keep us safe and guide us always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Kanhaji helps us fight temptation

There are many different kinds of temptations out there. The world is a wonderful place but it is also filled with diversity. Diversity of course means that people also have diverse tastes - what some people like very much, others do not. It is because of the diversity that it is sometimes difficult to fight temptations that others have unknowingly (we hope) put in our way. Whatever temptation you are dealing with - food because you are on a diet, meat because you are fasting, all food because you are doing a vrat, certain exercises and movements because you are ill. We all have temptations to fight. But, Kanhaji helps us. When He is at our side, we shall always succeed. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kanhaji sends love

Kanhaji sends us His love in many different ways - He showers blessings on us in the form of rain, and we may complain that our clothes, hair, cars may be spoilt because of it. But we should also think of what will happen if rain ceases to fall. How will we get water? Will we have it in enough quantities to cook, wash, clean, work. Kanhaji gives us the blessings of a loving family and people who care deeply for us. However, we complain that they are too stifling - they set too many rules and they are not lenient enough. But have we ever stopped to think about those who long for parents, siblings, an extended family? Have we ever stopped to think about anyone but ourselves? Kanhaji offers us food and we say that the food is unhealthy. How about those in the poor countries who are unable to get food for months on end? Kanhaji gives us the means to have material possessions. But, we always compare what we have to what others have. There really is no pleasing people. However, Kanhaji manages to enter all of our hearts and make us feel as peace and at ease. He keeps us safe and He uses the little opportunities to show us life's lessons and to help us to be grateful to those around us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, November 18, 2011


Kanhaji showers His blessings on us all the time and when we look around sometimes we compare our lives to others and feel that we are coming short. However, we are not capable of judging one person's life versus our own. Every person's life has their own problems, challenges and hardships. Kanhaji has made it so that we suffer sometimes to remind ourselves that we are only human and that we do in fact need Him. It may sound cruel to put it like that but the truth is that humans like to think of themselves, of ourselves, as self-sufficient and therefore that we only need Kanhaji to intervene in times of need. But the truth is that we need Him all the time. Today I was walking along the road and I saw so many people who have a harder life than me, and so many who I think have a better life than I do. There were many sick people, many wealthy people and many others just like myself, or maybe not so much like me because, who am I to judge? This contrast of persons made me realise that I have so much to thank Kanhaji for. He has given me so much, even if I do sometimes act ungrateful like it is not quite enough, I know that Kanhaji has given me a lot and that I should thank Him every day, all the time for the wonderful life He has given to me. I hope that everyone reading this realises that Kanhaji is with us all and that we should all say a special prayer for those less fortunate than us so that He may be with them and help them too. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


We are all unique in different ways. However, sometimes we feel victimised because of our uniqueness. We feel that the world is ridiculing us for our decisions. That may happen because people sometimes prefer the easy way out to the right way out. Those who follow the path of righteousness may be ridiculed if the rest of the world don’t understand why they are standing firm on the path of Dharma. But remember that once we are following Kanhaji's word and we are being true to our religious principles then we should be proud of what we are doing and not let others upset us. Many times people try to break us and upset us but we have to remember that Kanhaji is the only one we should really listen to, even if those closest to us try to steer us on the wrong path it is up to us to show them the right path instead. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to Kanhaji to carry on His words – teach them to those closest to us. I read an article a little while ago that spoke about Hindu children converting and how hurt parents feel. They say that for years they keep telling their children about accepting other religions and that they are all the same. But they are not. Hinduism is the only religion of acceptance. It is also the oldest religion in the world. All the religious principles taught can be used today. Things spoken of in the religious texts have meaning to Hindus and we must teach our children that like all religions, there are aspects that we do not like. However, it is up to us to promote what we do believe in and the bhakti movement of worshipping certain aspects of Vishnu in particular has been especially helpful to me. For me Kanhaji is the one to follow always. We should all try to find a connection with God and I have found mine with Kanhaji. I know that I cannot ever forget Him and that He will be with me always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Accepting Kanhaji's will

Many times we claim to accept what Kanhaji has thought out for us. We say that we will accept whatever He gives to us. But, then we are disappointed when things do not go our way. We may have wanted a certain result in an exam, a promotion, a particular gift, or even a different reaction from a person we love. However, at a later time we see that the thing that we sought so desperately turned out to be not as attractive as we initially imagined. If this happens then we realise that Kanhaji really did choose the correct path for us because He could see things that we could not. We should remember these little occurrences for the future when we again feel disappointed at something not happening the way we would have liked. But sadly, often we do not and we get angry and annoyed at Kanhaji for not fulfilling our desires. The thing about our relationship with Kanhaji is that we should learn to understand that He is on our side. Always. We have become so accustomed to the ways of people who are on our side for short periods but really are pursuing their own desires. Kanhaji is not a person. He is God. Bhagwan. Creator, Destroyer, Guide, Friend, Father, Brother, Husband, Lover. He is everything to us. In the Srimad Bhagavat Gita Chapter 9 Shloks 16-19: “O Arjuna, I am the Vedic rituals such as agniñöoma, the smärta-yajïas such as vaiçva-deva, and I am çräddha, the oblation to the forefathers. I am the potency of the healing herb, the mantra, the ghee, the fire and I am homa or yajïa. I am the mother, the father, the maintainer and the grandsire of the universe. I am the object of knowledge and the purifier. I am the syllable oà and I am also the Ã…g, Yajur and Säma Vedas. I am destiny in the form of the fruit of karma, the sustainer, the Lord, the witness, the abode, the refuge and the dearest wellwishing friend. I am the creation, the dissolution. the basis, the resting place and the eternal seed. I give heat and I withhold and release the rain. I am immortality and I am death personified. I am the cause of everything and also the effect; spirit and matter are both in Me.” Here Kanhaji clearly tells us that He is everything. We should therefore learn to accept that He always has our best interests at heart. He always wants what is best for us. He is aware of our unique personalities and He knows how to fulfill our hearts desires in the long run, not just the short run. Meditating on Kanhaji and remembering Him always will help us to accept that His will is supreme and should always govern everything that we do. We should always accept Him and should always thank Him for being with us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kanhaji's love

I have written many times before about Kanhaji's love. But it is not just the love between Him and Mother Yashoda or Him and Radha or His and the gopis or Him and his parents. No. Kanhaji's love extends to all of us all the time. We merely have to accept Him into our lives and learn to do good and be good people. His love is very strong and will always take care of us. He is the ruler who controls and has planned out what our destinies will be. He knows our deepest fears, anxieties and He knows and understands how to take care of us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Kanhaji's wonders

Kanhaji always commits wonders and miracles. However, we do not always understand what He has done because He does it in such a subtle way sometimes that we may never understand, or, only understand much later. Kanhaji performed many difficult tasks and He illustrated to us that He fully loved us. He is still among us, all the time. So, we have to learn to be nice to people, even those we do not particularly like, because Kanhaji created us in a unique way. And, He comes among us to see how well we are doing with dealing with different people – how well we are really carrying out His word and mirroring His actions. Things happen to us all the time and of course we are likely to regret at least some of what has happened to us, or, some of our choices. Kanhaji shows us that our choices, even if they were made for us, are the right ones for us. He shows us that He has planned our lives in a way to make us happy. Remember that Kanhaji is on Your side always and You will be fine. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The importance of friends

Kanhaji knew the importance of His friends. He has always illustrated to us that having good friends is important, but even more important is being a good friend. Kanhaji was a very good friend. He protected Arjuna - He even went to far as to become Arjuna's charioteer! But this is not so surprising since in His childhood years He often did things to appease His friends and always did what was necessary to take care of them and protect them from evil. Kanhaji allows us to decide how we are going to treat with each situation in our lives - are we going to sit and weep? Or will we allows Kanhaji to take over? Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Courage in the face of adversity

Initially I hadn't thought of this title for today's post. However, the inspiration came to me. There are many different types of adversities that we face. And it is important to remember that even when we are facing our worst fears, that we are not alone. Kanhaji is always with us. He will always guide us and help us with what to say, do, and how to act. He keeps us safe and takes care of us like none other. Kanhaji is all-powerful and He will always show us the right path. Adversity comes in the form of evil that challenges us and threatens our very wellbeing. Adversity comes in the form of family and friends who challenge our decisions and say hurtful things meant to upset us. Adversity comes in the form of strangers attacking us verbally because they feel that we did something wrong or that we did not act in the way that they would like. Adversity comes in the form of our inner turmoils with ourselves. However, through it all Kanhaji is there. If we only remember to call on Him we will feel much better. Our spirits and souls will be strengthened. Our moods will be lifted and we will be happy. Kanhaji always showed us that courage is the best weapon against any challengers and against any adversity. Courage makes our opponents confused. It will help us to succeed. Courage comes in the form of Sri Krishna - when we chant his name - Hari Krishna or Jai Shri Krishna! Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

We live the life You intended for us

Kanhaji has laid out our lives. He knows what He wants from us now and in the future. He knows that when we make our choices there are consequences. I'm sure He wishes that we would understand that too. Sometimes we all find ourselves comparing our lives to others - someone else might be more intelligent, score better marks in school, be better looking, a better driver, a better worker, a better student. Even within families we make comparisons. However, the truth that we should remember is that Kanhaji made us the way He did for a reason and that He wants us to be the best we can be with the life that He gave us. We must all strive to do right and good things because in the long run Kanhaji will remember what we did, even if no one else does. We should try to make the world a better place and be good to the people we love and care about. We must remember to pray to Kanhaji and meditate on His words. After all, He is the one who sent us here, to make the world a better place. Kanhaji, we all thank You for the opportunities You have given to us. We thank You for Your love and protection and we ask that You help us to be better people. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kanhaji gives us strength

There are many different kinds of strength, just as there are many different kinds of people. Kanhaji created us all and He knows our individual strengths and weaknesses. He watches over us and loves us always. He keeps us safe and shows us the right things to do at certain difficult times in our lives. Kanhaji imparts His strength on us when He thinks that we will need it the most. He is always watching and taking care of us in ways even we cannot imagine. He is the universal son, husband, father. He will always be to us what we want Him and need Him to be. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Duties are something that we each have to do each day. However, the truth is that Kanhaji made things this way so that we will remember that we have to be responsible people - either to ourselves, our parents, our peers, our bosses. Kanhaji will always help us and love us and guide us to do good and be good because duties should be done because we know we love the person who is asking us to do so. So all of these are pleasant duties. What are unpleasant moments? Well sometimes doing our duties is a daunting task because we don't feel like getting up, or its too cold, or we just don't want to do it. However, Kanhaji has planned everything and He knows everything. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dispelling evil

Kanhaji is the dispeller and vanquisher of all things evil. I was recently watching a cartoon about His feats - Krishna's wondrous feats is the name of it. It was absolutely amazing to see how much He did and how evil was never able to overcome Him, ever. I think that when people read and see these stories recreated they,we, take them all too literally. The truth is that these scriptures are for us to understand how to live and I think that many people consider themselves holy but the act in unholy ways. Kanhaji sent His teachings to remind us that we must fight evils every single day - they may not be in the form of actual demons, but they are in the form of inner turmoil that we have to conquer or even external influences. The truth is, every single day Kanhaji shows us how to deal with everything that is hard in our lives. We just have not deciphered fully the meaning of His divine words and blessings. Kanhaji, thank You for teaching us how to deal with evil - always conquer it, never befriend it. Thank You for Your blessings on us all. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thank You Kanhaji

I know that many of my posts are labelled in this way but I want to say thank You all the time - for everything You have given to me. Thank You for loving me and taking care of me. Thank You for giving me Your blessings. Kanhaji, please help me to use the blessings and knowledge that You have given me, in a manner that will be useful for now and always. Please help all of us who are reading this to remember to thank You for the good times and the bad times because without the good times the bad times would seem unbearable and without the bad times the good times would be ordinary. Kanhaji, please help us all to understand that we are really only able to change our own actions and reactions in certain situations. Whenever we try to influence others - they only change if they wanted to in the first place. We can only change ourselves really. We can try to help others to change, but the final thing is that they must want to change themselves. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Kanhaji, thank You for letting me find You

Not everyone finds Kanha or believes in Him. Truly knowing that You are there and feeling Your divine presence in our lives is a major thing Kanhaji. I know that You are always with us. But, not everyone understands that it is You acting in our lives. I am sure that many of us have encountered situations where people strongly oppose our beliefs and even criticise us for them. They only see the negative things that choose to judge us or ridicule us for that. Kanhaji, our faith in You helps us at times like that. I thank You for it. We all, who are reading this blog, thank You for it. I think that we should remember that we must do what makes us happy. We should also find a way to talk to others about issues that we see cropping up in our lives - when we see them do something wrong that hurts us, we should be able to say so. Kanhaji, sometimes we may feel scared but when we call Your name and talk to You then You strengthen us and show us the right time to say and do certain things. Living is easy, but we must live in a way that others are positively affected by our presence on earth. We should be good people - kind, loving, caring, spiritual. And we should remember to help and take care of the people in our lives. Even when we are angry or sad we should ask Kanhaji for His help because He is the dispeller of such negative feelings. He can make us happy again very quickly. Kanhaji, thank You for being with us all and please help us to be good people now and always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kanhaji blesses us

Today I went to a Ramayan and the pundit said that life would not be life without all of our experiences - both good and bad. He said that we should remember that if we change something in our lives then other actions will also be affected. So, every single action has a consequence - it makes up our lives. Sometimes we find ourselves envying others and wishing that our lives were as easy as theirs. But the truth is that everyone has their good and bad experiences and Kanhaji has made it that way - if a person has a pure heart and they want to serve God then He will know and He will allow us to serve Him. He will keep us all safe and guide us with His divine blessings. Kanhaji's blessings take many forms and He will always be with us and take care of us. But his care may take the form of tough love too - He may wish to have us endure certain hardships so that our future will be influenced by them. He will want us to remember the good and the bad experiences and He will help us to get through the bad to the good. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kanhaji gives us opportunities to worship.

Today I was speaking to my aunts and uncles about pujas. They all agreed that the opportunity to assist in a puja is a magnificent one. They said that good karma means that Kanhaji gives us the chance to go to a puja and to do something useful at the puja. Kanhaji loves us and He gives us many such opportunities. It is up to us whether we use them or not - do we attend the pujas and assist in the preparations? Or do we refuse the invitations and go about living our normal everyday lives? Of course, sometimes we may be unable to attend the puja. But even that has been pre-ordained by our karma. Kanhaji will continue to send us opportunities for happiness. We must take the opportunities and worship Him with our whole hearts. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kanhaji stays with me

Recently I was struck by how amazing life is. Kanhaji has made us such that we are alive. We are all a part of Him. He put a part of Himself in us to give us the will to breathe, to think, to interact. He loves us so very much that He did that. Life is truly a blessing from Him and we should remember that He lives in all of us. Each of us should remember whenever we are feeling upset or sad or angry or like we don't want to think about certain things that we have done wrongly- when we try to hide from Kanhaji - we can't really because He lives in us. That's how He sees all and knows us, He is a part of each of us. Isn't that an amazing and very awesome way to look at things? He loves us so much that He chose to live inside of us. He cares for us and keeps us all safe - now and forever. We should honour His presence in our lives and try to be good people and to do the right thing. Jai Shri Krishna!