Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kanhaji helps me with difficult decisions

I know that title sounds a little like I'm going to go into a lot of detail about some earth shattering decisions I had to make and how Kanhaji helped me. But to be honest, sometimes you need help with the little things more than the big things and in this case Kanhaji helped me to make a right small decision that I'm sure will help me with many other bigger decisions in the long run. The thing is, life is full of many decisions and we make them everyday, all the time - how to spend our time - email, chatting, blogging, working, or on something else; what to eat; what to wear; who to speak to - should we call that person, should we answer the phone when someone calls, should we make the effort; where to go; and a host of other decisions that we don't even really consider until something significant is contained in them.
Kanhaji helped me with a little decision today and even though it was a small one, I knew that in the future what I did today would affect things for a long time. Prayer helps, always and once we speak to Kanhaji and ask Him for His divine intervention and help then He will always come through.
The picture I've included shows Kanhaji playing his bansuri and I like this image because it always helps me to calm down and realize that He played that bansuri for us to be comforted, to show us that He will take care of things if we just leave them to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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