Friday, July 30, 2010

Kanhaji has given me good friends

Sometimes family members personalities clash with your own, and, as much as you love them, you need someone to understand how you think as well. Kanhaji understands this and that's why He sends us friends to help us and to cushion our existence here and make it an easier one. Kanhaji sends these friends to help us, to take care of us, to guide us, to love us. Kanhaji is the one we can rely on now and always. And we should remember that whenever we rely on friends and family members, we are also relying on Him.
Its difficult to imagine your life without friends, I know that's true for me. What's also true is that sometimes you dont go somewhere intending to make friends, yet you do. You meet someone whose way of thinking is so much like your own, that you feel stunned for a moment, then happy to know that your thoughts are shared by someone else.
Kanhaji has done this for us and He will continue to send people to us who will make us happy.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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