Monday, July 26, 2010

Kanhaji ki leela

When things happen that are good or bad (in our eyes) then we should remember that no matter what happens, it is all according to Kanhaji's will. Kanhaji understands everything that happens to us, even if we dont understand these things ourselves. Many times things have happened to me that made me feel that they could have gone another way, should have gone another way. But the truth is, the reason that they didnt go that other way is because Kanhaji didn't want it to. Kanhaji wants certain things to happen in our lives and we should fulfill His wishes. When things don't go the way we wanted them to, we should be happy that Kanhaji has a better plan for us, one that we can't necessarily see, but that He definitely can.
I want everyone to know that I decided to put my trust in Kanhaji and accept that when things happen - they happen for the very best because they happen only the way that He wanted them to.
The picture I've included shows Kanhaji bending over and looking at us intently, almost as if to say - trust me, I know what is right for you!
Jai Shri Krishna!

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