Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kanhaji helps us to be happy with ourselves

Too many people spend a lot of time comparing their lives to others and wishing, hoping and dreaming that their lives could have been as good as x's or y's life. However, if we take a moment to really count our blessings and consider how happy we are with ourselves then we will realize that Kanhaji made us the person we are for a particular reason - He wanted us to be on this earth and to make a difference to people's lives. Kanhaji loves us and He will always take care of us, but, when we wish we were someone else, we hurt Him because we are basically saying that we do not respect or honour His creativity - us. Kanhaji will always be with us and He is waiting for us to one day say - I am perfectly happy with me, with the person I am and the person that I want to be in the future. Today, I can truly say that about myself - I am perfectly happy with who I am and I want everyone who is reading this to do some minor introspection and decide if they are happy with who they have become. And if not, do not fret, pray to Kanhaji and He will help you to be a better person than you are and He will help you to attain your personal goals. Kanhaji will always be by our sides and the sooner we realize that, the better things will be for us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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