Monday, July 26, 2010

Kanhaji builds our character

I once had to write an essay in high school titled - 'Suffering builds character, discuss.' I hated those essays with 'discuss' at the end because, of course, you had to argue both sides. Sure, you could pick and side as the more dominant one but you had to give points on both sides. My classmates and I had the same initial instinct - outrage that such a thing would even be considered - Suffering builds character? How could that be true? But later, as we started writing the essays, a few people admitted that perhaps suffering did help to build character since it helped you to become more resourceful and more thankful of what you have.
Kanhaji may allow us to go through hardships in life, but, based on my earlier post, we should remember that the hardships we go through are really so that He can see us become better people. And, He will never give us more than we can bear. Kanhaji will help us through the difficult times and towards good times ahead because He loves us more than anyone else in the world, and He always will. He will always be waiting to take care of us and to guide us - we just have to ask for His divine intervention in our lives.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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