Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kanhaji takes care of our happiness

Kanhaji will always take care of us - when we are in need, when we are upset, when we are scared. But, He also takes care of our happiness and tells us when to relax. He loves us more than anyone else and He always wants us to be happy.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Kanhaji has given me good friends

Sometimes family members personalities clash with your own, and, as much as you love them, you need someone to understand how you think as well. Kanhaji understands this and that's why He sends us friends to help us and to cushion our existence here and make it an easier one. Kanhaji sends these friends to help us, to take care of us, to guide us, to love us. Kanhaji is the one we can rely on now and always. And we should remember that whenever we rely on friends and family members, we are also relying on Him.
Its difficult to imagine your life without friends, I know that's true for me. What's also true is that sometimes you dont go somewhere intending to make friends, yet you do. You meet someone whose way of thinking is so much like your own, that you feel stunned for a moment, then happy to know that your thoughts are shared by someone else.
Kanhaji has done this for us and He will continue to send people to us who will make us happy.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kanhaji will help us find a way if we put our faith in Him

Sometimes we find ourselves in impossible situations where we feel totally helpless and we can't find a way out without help from anyone and the truth is that oftentimes we think of help from Kanhaji as a last resort, when truly this should be our first resort. We should turn to Him first with our problems and He will provide us with a solution. Today, I was stressing out about something and then I realized that I should just ask Kanhaji for some help and that He will take care of everything and show me the right path.
Kanhaji will always provide us with a solution to our problems and He will always take care of us in every way. He loves us and like a parent who we love and trust, we should turn to Him with our burdens and He will find some way to make them lighter for us.
The picture shows baby Kanha sleeping very peacefully holding his bansuri. If we trust in Him and turn all of our problems over to Him then we too can sleep as peacefully as He is doing.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kanhaji helps us to be happy with ourselves

Too many people spend a lot of time comparing their lives to others and wishing, hoping and dreaming that their lives could have been as good as x's or y's life. However, if we take a moment to really count our blessings and consider how happy we are with ourselves then we will realize that Kanhaji made us the person we are for a particular reason - He wanted us to be on this earth and to make a difference to people's lives. Kanhaji loves us and He will always take care of us, but, when we wish we were someone else, we hurt Him because we are basically saying that we do not respect or honour His creativity - us. Kanhaji will always be with us and He is waiting for us to one day say - I am perfectly happy with me, with the person I am and the person that I want to be in the future. Today, I can truly say that about myself - I am perfectly happy with who I am and I want everyone who is reading this to do some minor introspection and decide if they are happy with who they have become. And if not, do not fret, pray to Kanhaji and He will help you to be a better person than you are and He will help you to attain your personal goals. Kanhaji will always be by our sides and the sooner we realize that, the better things will be for us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kanhaji helps us to face our fears

Fears can be big things in our lives and little things. However, no matter how small the fear, it tends to consume us and make us upset and unable to function properly until that fear goes away. Sometimes when we face a fear we feel empowered and whole again. Kanhaji helps us to face our fears and all we have to do is ask Him to be by our side as we face the fear that has been plaguing us for so long. Kanhaji knows our biggest and smallest fears and He helps us to deal with them when He thinks that we are ready to do so. And, He is always there to help if we feel unable to go on midway. He will always guide us and protect us and love us because He is our Kanhaji - my Kanhaji, who I will love forever.
I've included a picture that I like very much because it shows Kanhaji in a peaceful pose with His bansuri with flowers in the background. He seems to be telling us that we shouldn't worry and that He will always be here with us to help us through the bad times and the scary times.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Kanhaji builds our character

I once had to write an essay in high school titled - 'Suffering builds character, discuss.' I hated those essays with 'discuss' at the end because, of course, you had to argue both sides. Sure, you could pick and side as the more dominant one but you had to give points on both sides. My classmates and I had the same initial instinct - outrage that such a thing would even be considered - Suffering builds character? How could that be true? But later, as we started writing the essays, a few people admitted that perhaps suffering did help to build character since it helped you to become more resourceful and more thankful of what you have.
Kanhaji may allow us to go through hardships in life, but, based on my earlier post, we should remember that the hardships we go through are really so that He can see us become better people. And, He will never give us more than we can bear. Kanhaji will help us through the difficult times and towards good times ahead because He loves us more than anyone else in the world, and He always will. He will always be waiting to take care of us and to guide us - we just have to ask for His divine intervention in our lives.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji ki leela

When things happen that are good or bad (in our eyes) then we should remember that no matter what happens, it is all according to Kanhaji's will. Kanhaji understands everything that happens to us, even if we dont understand these things ourselves. Many times things have happened to me that made me feel that they could have gone another way, should have gone another way. But the truth is, the reason that they didnt go that other way is because Kanhaji didn't want it to. Kanhaji wants certain things to happen in our lives and we should fulfill His wishes. When things don't go the way we wanted them to, we should be happy that Kanhaji has a better plan for us, one that we can't necessarily see, but that He definitely can.
I want everyone to know that I decided to put my trust in Kanhaji and accept that when things happen - they happen for the very best because they happen only the way that He wanted them to.
The picture I've included shows Kanhaji bending over and looking at us intently, almost as if to say - trust me, I know what is right for you!
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to have fun

We sometimes get so wrapped up in our daily lives and the work that we have to do that we forget an important part of living is having fun. Kanhaji steps in and helps us when He sees that we are getting too stressed out and too swept away in the work aspect of our lives. He shows us the right way to have fun - the right things to do and the right people to have fun with. This is why we should always listen to Him because He always has our best interests at heart - He is always watching over us and always helping us to be good, kind and loving people. He sometimes finds a moment to make us laugh and we don't realize before that, how much we really needed to laugh. He finds a moment to make us stop and appreciate the people around us - even when we take them for granted every single day. He finds a moment to help us to cry when we need to grieve for something sad that has happened to us. And when He knows that we cant deal with a situation on our own - He sends our friends and guides them with what to say and do to make us feel better.
Today I am taking a moment to have some fun, and, with Kanhaji by my side, I know that everything will be perfect.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Kanhaji enlightens me

Certain things happened to me over the past few months and I've prayed to Kanhaji to show me the right path. I have agonized over things that I know are true for a long time and finally I have come to the conclusion that Kanhaji enlightens me because suddenly I realized that Kanhaji did show me the right path and He helped me to make the decision that I knew was right all along but I've been fighting. I know what is right, but its harder to execute it because people may be hurt and that always makes me feel guilty. I dont know if waiting until there is a face-to-face opportunity makes me a coward, but the truth is, I can't easily say right now that the decision I made will not negatively impact on certain things in my life. I dont know if others may find me selfish for thinking like that but people must always think of themselves a little. Its okay to be a little selfish I think.
Kanhaji, I want to truly thank You for loving me and helping me to see the truth in a clear way. Thank You for Your love and I ask that You help me in making the ultimate decision at the end.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kanhaji, always with me

Kanhaji is always with me and He tells me the right things to say. Words dont always come easily in every situation in our lives, but Kanhaji provides us with the words we need to make a situation seem easier than it truly is. Kanhaji is the one we can depend on all the time and He will take care of us when we are well, when we are sick, when we are sleeping, when we are working and even when we are playing.
Over the past few days certain things have happened to make me feel like I dont know what to do but Kanhaji has provided me with a solution and He's always helped me to do the right thing in the end. Kanhaji, thank You for Your divine intervention and Your constant love in my life.
Kanhaji's role is to be there for us no matter what and I always feel His presence with me. It doesn't matter who tries to hurt me or to harm me. It doesn't matter if things don't always work out the way that I want them to...He is always there to show me that the way things happened was a better way in the long run for me.
The picture I've included is one of Kanhaji sleeping as a baby. I love this picture because He looks so peaceful, yet somehow you and I know that He is still watching over us all and that He is still in control.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kanhaji shows me the way

Kanhaji is always the one who shows me the right path - He always takes care of me and always loves me, no matter what. Even when the decisions are difficult - Kanhaji takes care of me. He lets me know that He will be there to help me through the difficult times and into the good times. He shows me the things that I need to know and He boosts my ego when I feel down. Kanhaji is the only one I trust - always and forever. If He doesn't think that someone is the right person for me, then He will not allow me to be with that person. Kanhaji is the one I will love till the end.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kanhaji helps me with difficult decisions

I know that title sounds a little like I'm going to go into a lot of detail about some earth shattering decisions I had to make and how Kanhaji helped me. But to be honest, sometimes you need help with the little things more than the big things and in this case Kanhaji helped me to make a right small decision that I'm sure will help me with many other bigger decisions in the long run. The thing is, life is full of many decisions and we make them everyday, all the time - how to spend our time - email, chatting, blogging, working, or on something else; what to eat; what to wear; who to speak to - should we call that person, should we answer the phone when someone calls, should we make the effort; where to go; and a host of other decisions that we don't even really consider until something significant is contained in them.
Kanhaji helped me with a little decision today and even though it was a small one, I knew that in the future what I did today would affect things for a long time. Prayer helps, always and once we speak to Kanhaji and ask Him for His divine intervention and help then He will always come through.
The picture I've included shows Kanhaji playing his bansuri and I like this image because it always helps me to calm down and realize that He played that bansuri for us to be comforted, to show us that He will take care of things if we just leave them to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!