Saturday, January 30, 2010

Changing us for the better

This picture tells me that when Kanhaji came to live with us for a while He wanted to change the way that we treat others for the better. He spoke to the woman of a lower caste, he touched her (while she was considered an untouchable, a view of thought I dont subscribe to at all, how can a person be untouchable?), he gave her jewels and wealth because she was so nice to him. He was a mere baby and He wanted the fruits she was selling. But, he didnt have the money to pay for it. She gave them all to Him because she thought he was a lovable child and didnt want to make Him cry by refusing Him. However, when she went away she was amazed to find that her basket became filled with precious jewels. This was her reward for serving Him wholeheartedly without expecting a reward. I think that we all have an important lesson to learn from this woman - serve God while not seeking any rewards and you will be rewarded in ways you never imagined. Don't you think that's a great lesson indeed?
I labelled this post 'Changing us for the better' because He wanted us to shatter the way we think of people - for example, as untouchable. If He wanted to touch her and to befriend her, then why should we say that we dont want to talk to people of a certain caste?
This is also another one of His great lessons.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our devotion to our parents

Children love their parents. It is the first kind of love we know - parental love. Love of our parents for us and the love we feel for them. This picture is an important one to me since it shows how much Kanhaji wanted to please his father, Nand Baba. I dont know the exact story surrounding this picture since I have heard several explanations. This is what I think happened and may not be factual but it makes for a nice story.
I think that Nandji was going out and he may have mentioned to his wife Yashoda,
"Oh dear, I think I have forgotten my slippers inside,"
She must have said,
"I will go for them for you,"
But, Kanhaji, who was inside playing, heard their conversation, and, in an effort to please both his parents and to show his father that he was going to miss him while he was away, decided to get his father's slippers for him. So, he ran off in his baby way to get his father's slippers. But, they were too heavy for him! He was getting frustrated but instead of crying he remembered that he saw women from the village carrying heavy pots of water on their heads. He decided to do the same with the heavy slippers and put them on his head to bring to his father.
"Baba! Baba! I brought your slippers!" he shouted and giggled when he came outside.
On seeing this his mother and father are both pleased and praise the tiny boy for helping his father.
"Kanha! You have brought your father's slippers all by yourself?" Yashoda asked, pleased at her son's actions.
"Yes mummy," he said and beamed.
"Very good son, you are a very good boy," Nand praised him and lifted him onto his lap.
What do you think of my little story?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Mother's Love

A Mother's Love is the purest form of love anyone can experience. Kanhaji is seen in many pictures with Yashoda and she showers her love on him always. Devki, his biological mother pines for Him as she does for her other children. However, even though she knew that giving him to Yashoda to raise would have been hard she still did it since it was for his own good. I think this is the true meaning of motherhood - sacrificing your own happiness for that of your child/children. A similar situation occured with Balarama - Devki's brother Kans, saw it as a miscarriage but in reality the baby (Balarama) was implanted in Rohini's womb instead, all for the purpose of giving him a chance to live. Maternal instinct is something that all women are supposed to be born with and certainly women do dote on babies and young children more than men do. Women tend to take on anyone who is sick or hurting or upset as a child under her wing. Kanhaji kept showing us the importance of loving mothers in the Mahabharat, the Bhagvad Gita, and in the Srimad Bhagvatam.
The picture I have posted is one where Yashoda is showering her love on Kanhaji, she is bonding with Him as any new mother would bond with her child. And Kanhaji showers her with the love due to a mother in spite of Him knowing that she was not the one who gave birth to Him. We should never diminish the love of a mother for her child, even if that child is adopted. It is in the nature of a mother to love.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Some of us are fortunate enough to have siblings. However, even as I say we are fortunate we all know that sometimes our siblings annoy us. Those with older siblings sometimes feel that the older sibling is trying to control them and treat them as if the older sibling were a parent. Those with younger siblings may feel the younger sibling mimics them too much or those with many younger siblings may feel deprived of parental attention since the younger ones take up so much of the parents' energy. Whatever our negative feelings are, at the end of the day we are all thankful for our siblings and the bond between us and our siblings is always a strong one. We can share with our siblings thoughts that we may not be able to share with anyone else - even parents and best friends. Our siblings always look out for us (if they are older) or look up to us (if they are younger).
Kanhaji's older brother Balarama always took care of him. He guided him and helped him whenever he needed such help. Kanhaji always confided in Balarama, even when he could not confide in their parents.
The picture I have included is one of them both when they were babies - pampered and dressed up in all their finery and eating their favourite food - makhan. Aren't they cute?
I was watching the TV series Jai Shri Krishna a while ago and there was an episode where Kans was sending some form of danger towards Kanhaji when he was a baby. He and Balarama were lying in their crib (they were both so small that neither was able to walk yet) and Kanhaji was telling Balarama that if danger comes Balarama must protect Kanhaji since he is the older brother and that is his responsibility. Balarama started crying and saying that Kanhaji upset him by telling him his responsibility because he knew what he had to do and that protecting his brother was very important to him.
Any time we look at movies or read about the childhood exploits of Kanhaji we see that Balarama always tries to look out for him and take care of him, like a good big brother should. Even in the Mahabharata, Balarama tries to give Krishna advice concerning the war. He tells him that he doesn't think there should be a war but he knows that Krishna loves Arjuna very much and will support him. However, he, Balarama will not participate in the war and Balarama did not take part in the battle at Kurukshetra.
I know I'm ending abruptly but that's all till next time, Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kanhaji keeps us safe

This morning on the road I had a few tense minutes because all the drivers around me were driving pretty crazy. There were police sirens behind and everyone was trying to basically outrun the police so that they wont have to pull over. People took a lot of risks and I was getting a little scared. I decided to say a prayer to Kanhaji. I asked Him for His blessings on all of us on the road this morning. I asked Him to keep us safe, to guide all the drivers and to help them make the right decisions on the road and for the rest of the day. Of course I am safe now and so you know that my prayer worked. So, whenever I feel scared or in danger I pray to Him and I think that you should do the same. You will be amazed at how calm you feel when you realize that the situation is now in God's hands.
The picture I put up is so cute. Its Kanhaji sucking his toes like any baby would. Children love to do this. And its such an adorable thing when they do. The picture truly reminds me of how God is in all of us and I have heard the saying many times before - children are blessings sent to us from God. How true that is, and God Himself came to us as a baby and till today there are so many of us who enjoy looking at pictures of Him in this form and worshipping Him in this form. Hope you like the picture! Till next time Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Makhan Chor

This has got to be one of my top 5 favourite pictures of Kanhaji. He's so adorable in this picture and every time I look at it I see new details like the little murti of Lord Ganesh in the background, the detail of the pillars and entrance behind him, the mat he's sitting on, all his little jewels.
One of the popular ways we know Kanhaji as a child is as the Makhan Chor - the one who steals butter. However, He wasnt really stealing butter, but showering His blessings on those who were fortunate enough to have Him eat from their pots, the butter they made with their own hands. I know right now I make sure that the prasad I make for Him is perfect and has plenty of makhan in it.
I also think the Makhan Chor idea was sent to help us realize certain things - when you're younger it's okay to indulge a little bit and eat and enjoy the things you love. However, when you get older you should be more mature and eat and do good things. I dont know what other people think of this view. I would love to hear some comments.
On another note, today I had a very good day - very fulfilling. And when little things happen that may have been upsetting I try to say a prayer and think about the good things and the good parts of the day. I pray to Kanhaji to help me deal with difficult things and to dwell on the good things not the bad.

Sometimes I feel the initiative to react in a different way than I usually would have and I know it's because Kanhaji is with me and is guiding me to react in a way that is more suitable to the situation.

Thank You Kanhaji for being with me always.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There are many blogs about Lord Krishna and all His good deeds. However, I felt that the only way I could truly express myself when thinking about Lord Krishna, or as I like to call him, Kanhaji, and praying to Him and feeling His divine presence in my life was to write a blog about Him.To be honest I cannot really pinpoint when I started to identify with Kanhaji above any other form of God (because I truly do believe that there is one God and that religion was merely created for man to be able to understand God better and so His different forms are for us not for Him because He is always around, all the time but that is a discussion for another time). I know that I started reading books and listening to stories about Kanhaji with extra care because I love children. Ever since I was little I grew up in my grandparents' house with pictures of all the Hindu deities around. My grandparents would both tell myself and my cousins and siblings stories from the Holy Scriptures. Then I went to Hindu schools for my education. Even at the tertiary level I always tried to be a part of the Hindu groups - attending satsangs and Ramayans and pujas.But Kanhaji is the one that I truly identify with. I really do believe that He is with me all the time and that I can talk to Him anytime and tell him anything that is bothering me or making me happy. I would very much like some people to start discussion on similar experiences you have had concerning God in general and particularly Kanhaji.
About the image I uploaded, I love this picture. Its my absolute favourite. The way he is nestled in her arms, safe, yet looking at us all with a slightly penetrating look as if to remind us that He is always with us and with a mischievous look that makes us want to smile and caress his baby feet.


I have created this blog to see how people feel about their religious experiences. In particular I would like to hear from persons who are devotees of Lord Krishna, Kanhaji. I was listening to a pundit at Janmashthami talk about why people like Lord Krishna so much. He said that Lord Krishna taught us how to enjoy life and how to be righteous as well as happy. That's just so true. We hear stories about Lord Krishna saving and helping people even as a baby and when he gets older he enjoys life by eating makhan, teasing Maiyya Yashoda, playing games with his brother Balrama and the gopas. Then we know about his exploits with the gopis and till today people regard Lord Krishna and Radha as the supreme couple.
I guess I got carried away a little.The point is, Lord Krishna has made a major impact on my life and I know that I will always love Him and continue to carry Him in my heart.
The picture I have included shows Him at the different stages of His life on earth. Hope you enjoy it!