Friday, January 15, 2010


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There are many blogs about Lord Krishna and all His good deeds. However, I felt that the only way I could truly express myself when thinking about Lord Krishna, or as I like to call him, Kanhaji, and praying to Him and feeling His divine presence in my life was to write a blog about Him.To be honest I cannot really pinpoint when I started to identify with Kanhaji above any other form of God (because I truly do believe that there is one God and that religion was merely created for man to be able to understand God better and so His different forms are for us not for Him because He is always around, all the time but that is a discussion for another time). I know that I started reading books and listening to stories about Kanhaji with extra care because I love children. Ever since I was little I grew up in my grandparents' house with pictures of all the Hindu deities around. My grandparents would both tell myself and my cousins and siblings stories from the Holy Scriptures. Then I went to Hindu schools for my education. Even at the tertiary level I always tried to be a part of the Hindu groups - attending satsangs and Ramayans and pujas.But Kanhaji is the one that I truly identify with. I really do believe that He is with me all the time and that I can talk to Him anytime and tell him anything that is bothering me or making me happy. I would very much like some people to start discussion on similar experiences you have had concerning God in general and particularly Kanhaji.
About the image I uploaded, I love this picture. Its my absolute favourite. The way he is nestled in her arms, safe, yet looking at us all with a slightly penetrating look as if to remind us that He is always with us and with a mischievous look that makes us want to smile and caress his baby feet.

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