Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our devotion to our parents

Children love their parents. It is the first kind of love we know - parental love. Love of our parents for us and the love we feel for them. This picture is an important one to me since it shows how much Kanhaji wanted to please his father, Nand Baba. I dont know the exact story surrounding this picture since I have heard several explanations. This is what I think happened and may not be factual but it makes for a nice story.
I think that Nandji was going out and he may have mentioned to his wife Yashoda,
"Oh dear, I think I have forgotten my slippers inside,"
She must have said,
"I will go for them for you,"
But, Kanhaji, who was inside playing, heard their conversation, and, in an effort to please both his parents and to show his father that he was going to miss him while he was away, decided to get his father's slippers for him. So, he ran off in his baby way to get his father's slippers. But, they were too heavy for him! He was getting frustrated but instead of crying he remembered that he saw women from the village carrying heavy pots of water on their heads. He decided to do the same with the heavy slippers and put them on his head to bring to his father.
"Baba! Baba! I brought your slippers!" he shouted and giggled when he came outside.
On seeing this his mother and father are both pleased and praise the tiny boy for helping his father.
"Kanha! You have brought your father's slippers all by yourself?" Yashoda asked, pleased at her son's actions.
"Yes mummy," he said and beamed.
"Very good son, you are a very good boy," Nand praised him and lifted him onto his lap.
What do you think of my little story?

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