Saturday, January 30, 2010

Changing us for the better

This picture tells me that when Kanhaji came to live with us for a while He wanted to change the way that we treat others for the better. He spoke to the woman of a lower caste, he touched her (while she was considered an untouchable, a view of thought I dont subscribe to at all, how can a person be untouchable?), he gave her jewels and wealth because she was so nice to him. He was a mere baby and He wanted the fruits she was selling. But, he didnt have the money to pay for it. She gave them all to Him because she thought he was a lovable child and didnt want to make Him cry by refusing Him. However, when she went away she was amazed to find that her basket became filled with precious jewels. This was her reward for serving Him wholeheartedly without expecting a reward. I think that we all have an important lesson to learn from this woman - serve God while not seeking any rewards and you will be rewarded in ways you never imagined. Don't you think that's a great lesson indeed?
I labelled this post 'Changing us for the better' because He wanted us to shatter the way we think of people - for example, as untouchable. If He wanted to touch her and to befriend her, then why should we say that we dont want to talk to people of a certain caste?
This is also another one of His great lessons.

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