Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Mother's Love

A Mother's Love is the purest form of love anyone can experience. Kanhaji is seen in many pictures with Yashoda and she showers her love on him always. Devki, his biological mother pines for Him as she does for her other children. However, even though she knew that giving him to Yashoda to raise would have been hard she still did it since it was for his own good. I think this is the true meaning of motherhood - sacrificing your own happiness for that of your child/children. A similar situation occured with Balarama - Devki's brother Kans, saw it as a miscarriage but in reality the baby (Balarama) was implanted in Rohini's womb instead, all for the purpose of giving him a chance to live. Maternal instinct is something that all women are supposed to be born with and certainly women do dote on babies and young children more than men do. Women tend to take on anyone who is sick or hurting or upset as a child under her wing. Kanhaji kept showing us the importance of loving mothers in the Mahabharat, the Bhagvad Gita, and in the Srimad Bhagvatam.
The picture I have posted is one where Yashoda is showering her love on Kanhaji, she is bonding with Him as any new mother would bond with her child. And Kanhaji showers her with the love due to a mother in spite of Him knowing that she was not the one who gave birth to Him. We should never diminish the love of a mother for her child, even if that child is adopted. It is in the nature of a mother to love.

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