Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kanhaji always provides the best solution

Whatever the problem in this world - Kanhaji will always provide a solution to it. Just asking Him for help and saying to Him that you accept his divine presence in your life and that you want Him to guide you always, will help you to be successful. Sometimes I find it hard to let go of things, I am sure this is the same for anyone reading this post, and I worry and fret about things and then I realize that I should instead ask Kanhaji for His divine intervention and assistance with the problem. I realize that He is the only one who will help me always and take care of me and do the best thing for me, regardless of what happens.
I truly believe that Kanhaji is the only one I can trust to act in my best interests all the time and it is only His presence that sometimes is able to help me get through a difficult problem. He is always with us, just waiting for us to ask for His help and even when we dont ask, He helps us.
The picture I've included shows Kanhaji eating butter and being as happy as a baby can be. His carefree nature reminds me that we should also be free of worry and cares when we know that He is there to take care of us and to help us through any major occurrence in our lives.
Thank You Kanhaji for taking care of us all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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