Friday, May 28, 2010

My faith in Kanhaji

This is something that I know I will always be able to hold on to - my faith and trust in Kanhaji. I love Him more than anyone else in the world and I know that I will always love Him. He is always with me and in so many ways I see His divine presence working in my life. I love Him more and more every day. He is the first face I see when I wake up because I have positioned the picture of Him just so in my room. He is all around me and I am thankful that I am able to see Him working in my life every single day. He guides me and lets good things happen to me and when He gives me sorrow - its for a reason - to build my character and to show me that the path I chose was not necessarily the right one that He chose for me. He helps me to discover His love in many ways all the time. Kanhaji, thank You for Your love, Your guidance, Your divine protection.
The Bhagvad Gita 12.20 says "ye tu dharmamritam idam
yathoktam paryupasate
sraddadhana mat-parama
bhaktas te ’tiva me priyah"
Which means: "Those who follow this imperishable path of devotional service and who completely engage themselves with faith, making Me the supreme goal, are very, very dear to Me."
Kanhaji told us that if we believe in Him and Him alone then He will make all things right for us. He will take care of us now and always.
How can we not believe in Him after that promise?
Kanhaji - I love You and I always will.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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