Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kanhaji takes care of us all

Sometimes we may not be able to realize that Kanhaji is taking care of us all the time. We may be upset when something bad happens but we must remember His divine words: "sarva-karmany api sada
kurvano mad-vyapasrayah
mat-prasadad avapnoti
sasvatam padam avyayam"

"Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace."

Kanhaji will protect us from all evil, even evils that we inflict on ourselves. Kanhaji loves us always and He will always be our shield and protector as long as we believe in Him.
When bad things happen in my life I get very sad very quickly and it is easy to stay in that sad state - I used to do that before I became such a devoted devotee of Kanhaji but now I know that when things don't go my way it is because Kanhaji has a bigger and better plan for me and for us all. This is true for everyone - as long as you have unconditional love, faith and devotion to Kanhaji then things will be okay in your life.
The picture I've included is my favourite and even though I've used it many times I am using it today again. It's the one with Kanhaji sitting on Yashoda maiyya's lap - he looks so safe, so protected, so loved there and that is exactly how we should feel when Kanhaji is in charge of our lives - safe, protected, loved. Jai Shri Krishna!

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