Thursday, May 13, 2010

One truth prevails - I love You Kanhaji and nothing can change that

Many things have happened in my life over the years and now that I have truly accepted my love for You Kanhaji, things are so much better now. Little things have changed and someone on the outside might say that I myself have changed drastically but it's not that - it's You who have changed me Kanhaji. You have made me a far better person than I ever thought that I could be. I want all the readers of this blog to know that loving Kanhaji unconditionally, above all else in this world and above everyone else in this world will change your life and make it one million times better. It's hard to describe all the changes that have happened - my confidence is boosted, I know that I can get through anything and everything with Him by my side. I know that His love will take me through from bad to good.
This quote from the Bhagvad Gita tells us how we should behave:
man-maya mam upasritah
bahavo jnana-tapasa
puta mad-bhavam agatah"

"Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me—and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me."
And its so true - if we devote everything to Kanhaji then we will be okay. His love will take care of us and keep us strong in the face of any disaster or harm or hurt. Kanhaji I love You and I want You to be a part of my life always - it doesn't matter if I have to give up certain things that I hold dear. I know that You will always be with me and help me to cope with any losses that I may face - emotional or physical.
The picture I have included shows Kanhaji and His mother - Yashoda Maiyya and she holds Him close to her with so much love it sometimes makes my eyes fill with tears.
Let us all love Kanhaji the way He deserves to be loved. Jai Shri Krishna.

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