Monday, May 3, 2010

Kanhaji's divine protection

The following quote was taken from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita 18.57:
"cetasa sarva-karmani
mayi sannyasya mat-parah
buddhi-yogam upasritya
mac-cittah satatam bhava"

"In all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me."
I think that being under Kanhaji's protection is the best place in the world to be. He always guides me and takes care of me, and He does the same for all of us who are devoted to Him, heart and soul, mind and body. We must not only say that we are Kanhaji's bhaktis we must show it to everyone else. I truly believe this and the best way to show this is to be a good, kind person who shows love and not hate. There is just too much hatred, scepticism and hurt in this world and we need to spread love and give others protection in the same way that Kanhaji protects us.
I know that even when things don't go my way sometimes and I feel disappointed or sad about something that did not turn out the way that I wanted it to, its because Kanhaji was trying to save me from some bigger hurt or pain later on.
It's good to realize when something is about to go wrong and to take the necessary steps to stop it but we are not always able to see when things are going downhill. However, Kanhaji sees everything and He protects us no matter what. I truly believe this and if we trust in Him and ask for Him to help us to get through the difficult times, He will come through for us and always be there for us. Remember this always.
The picture I've chosen today shows Radharani at Kanhaji's feet and she is looking up at Him with eternal love and devotion on her face. She knows that no harm will come to her because He is there to protect her and take care of her. I think we must remember this and always feel that safe knowing that Kanhaji is with us to take care of us no matter what.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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