Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kanhaji shows me things I didn't understand about myself

There are many things that we discover later in life about ourselves - allergic reactions, genetic illnesses, hidden fears, doubts, hopes, dreams, hidden hurts, hidden desires, hidden emotions. Kanhaji helps us to understand ourselves better and when we talk to Him, He always eases our minds. Kanhaji is the one I can turn to always, whatever the situation and whatever the circumstance. He helps me to realize things about myself that I didn't know and He helps me to deal with anything that might upset me. Kanhaji loves me and I love Him. Sometimes, when I discover something that will hurt me or upset me, I am eternally thankful that Kanhaji is near - to listen, to guide, to protect, to heal. Sometimes I get scared of situations, people, outcomes and then I pray and I ask Him to help me to be brave and to help me to be successful.
As written in the Bhagvad Gita 9.6:
"yathakasa-sthito nityam
vayuh sarvatra-go mahan
tatha sarvani bhutani
mat-sthanity upadharaya"

"Understand that as the mighty wind, blowing everywhere, rests always in the sky, all created beings rest in Me."

I think that in order for us to understand ourselves better, we must know and understand Kanhaji.
The picture I've included is one of baby Kanhaji eating butter. The reason why I keep including pictures of baby Kanhaji is because I want to emphasize how approachable He is and how easy it is to love Him and want to serve Him. When we do this, we will understand Him better and He will allow us to understand ourselves better.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Kanhaji gives me so many blessings

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with emotion when I stop to think about all the blessings Kanhaji has given to me. He always blesses me in so many ways, every single day of my life and that makes me feel so good to know that I am precious to Him, that He values my wishes, my desires, my needs. Kanhaji loves me and I love Him so very much. I don't think that I could go a day without talking to Him, without disclosing to Him every single thing that is in my heart. Kanhaji is the only one who truly understands me all the time and I love Him more than anyone else can ever know or truly understand. People always ask me - what is it about you and Lord Krishna? So many friends have asked me that and I always say - He touches my heart in a way that no one else can.
Kanhaji, I value Your blessings, Your friendship, Your love. I value You and I love You - I always will.
Kanhaji says in the Bhagvad Gita 9.22:
"ananyas cintayanto mam
ye janah paryupasate
tesham nityabhiyuktanam
yoga-ksemam vahamy aham"

"But those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on My transcendental form—to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have."

This verse is perfect for what I am saying today. Kanhaji always anticipates our needs without us having to ask Him for something - He gives it to us. Even if we don't tell Him how hurt and upset we are about a particular thing, He knows. He loves us, unconditionally and totally and we should love Him in the same way too. I know that I do.
The picture I've included today is one of Baby Kanhaji eating makhan and I love this picture because I love Him so much in this baby form. I feel sometimes like I can hold Him in my arms and cuddle Him. He's just so adorable. It's too easy to love Him and worship Him in this form.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kanhaji sends the right people to me

One day, a really long time ago, I was walking to somewhere and I met a person who started talking to me as a friend - guiding me, helping me and then I never saw that person again. But, the advice given was irreplaceable. A few weeks ago the same thing happened again. And I know that Kanhaji sends these people to me for a reason. He takes care of me for a reason. He guides me for a reason. Kanahji loves me, now and always and I know that He will always be with me. And, if He can't come to help me Himself, He will send someone to help me. Although, I do believe that it is Kanhaji who helps me when I need Him the most. He is the one who takes care of me.
In the Bhagvad Gita 18.66 Kanhaji says: "sarva-dharman parityajya
mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
mokshayisyami ma sucah"

"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."
I know I've used the picture I included many times before. But that's just because its such a cute picture and it shows that even if we think Kanhaji isn't seeing us, He is. Even if we think that He's distracted with other things, He's not! He's just waiting to help us, to take care of us and to show us the right path. We should all put our trust and faith and hope in Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to say the right things

Sometimes you're in a situation where you're backed into a corner and you know that the only thing that will save you is your tongue, your ability to talk your way out of trouble. Other times someone you love is upset and you want to comfort them, again, the only thing that will really help is saying something that will get them out of their low mood. In both those situations what you say, what we say, is crucial. Who should we turn to? How will we know what to say? We can ask Kanhaji of course! He will always help us, whenever and wherever we need it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kanhaji teaches me and gives me moments of clarity

Sometimes we have a tendency to joke too much. We joke about our friends and tease them, we do the same to our family members, and in return they tease and joke with us. However, joking sometimes hurts the person who is being 'attacked' and they really do being to feel attacked, backed into a corner, hurt, upset, sad at what was said, even though it was said merely in jest. At this point, jokes become hurtful and vicious even. Sometimes, they may be hurtful even though they are not meant to be so. Kanhaji teaches us through example and when He shows us that telling a joke can be hurtful, He is reminding us that we should always think before we act, always consider our words before we say things that can never be taken back.
Kanhaji teaches us lessons by example and by the way our loved ones react. Then, we understand what we can say to them and what we can't.
As it says in the Bhagvad Gita 10.11:
"tesam evanukampartham
aham ajnana-jam tamah
nasayamy atma-bhava-stho
jnana-dipena bhasvata"

"To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance."

Kanhaji clearly says in the above passage that He will destroy anything bad in our lives and only leave the good. He also says that when He does this He is showing us special mercy. That's how much He loves us, He is willing to come into our sinful hearts and purify our entire souls so that we can be worthy of worshipping Him.
The picture I've included is one that I like particularly because of the pose - it shows Kanhaji in a happy moment when He is enjoying the company of the birds. I imagine that they are singing to Him and that makes Him very happy. So too, we must sing His praises and make Him happy. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kanahji helps me to accept even bitter truths

We all say that we prefer to hear the truth. But, the reality is (or I should say, the truth is!) that we only want to hear truths that benefit us or are acceptable to us. Whenever the truth is bitter or harsh we find it hard to accept. But the truth is the truth and nothing can change that and once we hear the truth, even the bitter one, we must learn to accept it. In this regard Kanhaji is there and meditating on Him and asking Him for strength of spirit will help us to accept even the most bitter truths in our lives. Sometimes the truth is hurtful and we are often upset when hurtful things come to light. But, we must remember that Kanhaji has a divine plan for us and He is the only one that we must trust. If He has allowed something to happen in our lives then it is because He sees it fit for us. We must trust in Him and ask for His help to be able to achieve our goals in spite of bitter truths.
The suitable Bhagvad Gita quote I have found for today is as follows: "O conqueror of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread."
Chapter 7 Shloka 7
This is a wonderful quote because it tells us that Kanhaji is the only truth we should be concerned about.
The picture I've included is one of my favourites with Kanhaji about to eat a ladoo. Another way that I've come to interpret it is as Kanhaji offering us a ladoo and telling us that we must trust in Him and remember that He will always take care of us, even in the littlest way to offer us a ladoo.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kanhaji makes me realize that I can achieve

It's relatively easy to get lost and upset sometimes with all the tasks that we have to complete in life. However, when we meditate on Kanhaji, He reminds us that we can achieve anything as long as He is with us and we believe in Him. Sometimes feeling despair is good because it forces us to turn to Him. But we must remember in the future that we shouldn't wait to reach the point of despair and then to look to Him. Instead, we must ask for His divine help first. Ask for Him to guide us, to help us remain on the correct path. He will always respond. This I know from experience.
The quote I'm including from the Bhagvad Gita is not really about achievement of the sort I've mentioned but I still think it's a lovely quote and here it is: "But those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond the perception of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable, fixed and immovable--the impersonal conception of the Absolute Truth--by controlling the various senses and being equally disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at last achieve Me."
Chapter 12 Shloka: 3-4
The picture I've included is one that I have used before - Kanhaji about 5 or 6 years old holding his bansuri and looking at us all with a serene smile on His face. This picture looks peaceful and it helps me to remember that Kanhaji always knows what's going on in my life, at all times and He will always help me in whatever I have to do.
Kanhaji, thank You for listening to my prayers and to all of our prayers.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Kanhaji motivates me

We all feel overwhelmed with the work that we have to do sometimes. But I've found that putting my faith in Kanhaji and knowing that He is by my side, cheering me on and helping me to stay motivated, always helps me to feel better. When we really have a deadline to meet its impossible to hang out with friends, go see movies that we would like to, even talk on the phone sometimes. But, Kanhaji encourages us and tells us that it will all be worth our while eventually and that we must keep our goals in mind.
Recently I've been challenged to move up a deadline very drastically and at first I sat and despaired about getting everything completed on time but then I told myself that all I could do was work my very hardest and at the end if I didn't make it, at least I would know that I tried my hardest. I also asked Kanhaji to help me along the way, to provide me with His everlasting love, support and guidance to reach my ultimate goal. Now I feel much better.
The first picture I've included is one of my favourite ones of Kanhaji - it shows Him looking at us in a piercing manner. Basically I think He is saying that we should know that He is always watching us and is always with us, to help and take care of us and that we can call on Him at any time. The second picture is one of Kanhaji's feet and that is brilliant because this is what we should meditate on when we are in trouble - His baby feet are so perfectly formed in this picture that I feel very encouraged when I look at Him like this.
Today I've also included a quote from the Bhagvad Gita "Knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower are the three factors which motivate action; the senses, the work and the doer comprise the threefold basis of action."
Chapter 18, Shloka 18
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kanhaji always provides the best solution

Whatever the problem in this world - Kanhaji will always provide a solution to it. Just asking Him for help and saying to Him that you accept his divine presence in your life and that you want Him to guide you always, will help you to be successful. Sometimes I find it hard to let go of things, I am sure this is the same for anyone reading this post, and I worry and fret about things and then I realize that I should instead ask Kanhaji for His divine intervention and assistance with the problem. I realize that He is the only one who will help me always and take care of me and do the best thing for me, regardless of what happens.
I truly believe that Kanhaji is the only one I can trust to act in my best interests all the time and it is only His presence that sometimes is able to help me get through a difficult problem. He is always with us, just waiting for us to ask for His help and even when we dont ask, He helps us.
The picture I've included shows Kanhaji eating butter and being as happy as a baby can be. His carefree nature reminds me that we should also be free of worry and cares when we know that He is there to take care of us and to help us through any major occurrence in our lives.
Thank You Kanhaji for taking care of us all.
Jai Shri Krishna!