Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kanhaji's forgiveness

"To err is human" is one of the earliest quotes I remember. I remember at the time wondering if it wasnt just a phrase that people said to make themselves feel better when they did something wrong. Perhaps it is, perhaps its not. I think that the phrase ultimately means that we as human beings do wrong things sometimes even though we know those things are wrong because they give us an easy way out or they provide pleasure of some form.
Kanhaji is God and the Supreme Being is never wrong. He always does what is right, all the time. He is always there to pick us up when we have fallen, to guide us back on the right paths, to protect us and to care about us and love us always. Kanhaji is the one we love and He loves us very much. He will always love us, this I know for certain.
Kanhaji's heart is so big that He is willing to forgive us when we do something wrong. He helps us to get back onto the right path once more. Kanhaji, thank You for Your divine intervention in our lives.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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