Monday, November 15, 2010

Kanha makes me self-sufficient

Being independent is a major goal of all adults today. We never like to think that we are dependent on others to help us or to take care of us. We prefer to think that we can do it all alone. This is both a good and a bad thing. Independence is desireable because it means that we are now able to take care of ourselves and make our own ways in the world. However, many parents have a hard time letting go of their children and try to hold on to them. We, as children, must understand that our parents have given their lives to bringing us up and are therefore attached to us. But, the responsbility also lies in us to make our parents understand that they do need to let go of us. We must be able to assure them that we can make our own ways in the world with Kanha's help. Remind them that Kanha is always there to lend a helping hand.
Kanha wants us to be independent but He also wants us to be able to turn to Him and to remember that He controls all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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