Monday, November 22, 2010


Kanha is all around us. I know I keep saying that but some days it just hits you in such a blatant manner that you cant help but think 'Jai Shri Krishna! I felt You here with me today!'. Does that ever happen to you reader?
Well it happens to me all the time- something bad was about to happen and it didnt, you see other people struggling to do something that you know you would have suffered to do as well but Kanhaji guided you in some special way and allowed you to get through it all.
Kanhaji sometimes makes us do things that other people dont understand - compassionate things like give people our money, our time, our teachings and wisdom, and most of all - our LOVE!
Kanha, please continue working in all of our lives in this way.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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