Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kanhaji helps me to maintain family connections

All relationships require work. If people dont make an effort to take care of one another and be close to each other, then things dont work out - siblings become distant, parents and children dont speak, friends are no longer friends - sound depressing doesn't it?
I think that one of the major lessons Kanhaji taught us is about personal interrelationships - He loved everyone when He came to earth and everyone loved Him. Those who didnt show love for Him, like the Kauravas, were scared of Him, but even that fear is a form of devotion because one of the most popular things parents say to errant children is "if you dont fear anyone, fear God". And its true, Kanhaji is there to correct us when we are doing the wrong thing, He is there to guide and protect us to help us to continue doing the correct thing.
The correct thing in this case is to be close to family - immediate and extended.
Jai Shri Krishna

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