Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kanha is here

He's here right now, all around us and He shows us in little ways throughout the day. He gives us love and He takes care of us, now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Kanha ka ashirvad

Hamesha mere saath


I have to thank You Kanha for being there for me no matter what. There is no one else who can do that for me. I know You have sent people in my life who love me, but I also know that I cannot depend fully on other persons, I can depend fully on You and You alone. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kanha teaches me to slow down

Some days you just need to slow down and allow yourself time to rest and recuperate. Kanha has showed me this and I am thankful to Him for this lesson.
Jai Shri Krishna.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kanha tells me when to pause

Sometimes we have to pause and reassess what we are doing. Kanha tells us when and we should listen to Him.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Kanha encourages

It doesn't matter how low we feel in self esteem, Kanha finds a way to motivate us and encourage us to be our absolute best. His word is all we need to listen to and it is final.
Kanha loves us and we love Him - now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kanha and my faith in Him

Today is my 300th post! Yay!
I want to talk a little bit about faith in Kanhaji and exactly what it means. Faith is a very strong word and you may wonder why I'm saying that but people go around saying they have faith all the time and they really dont. True faith comes from knowing without a shadow of a doubt that Kanhaji will provide for you, will take care of you, will love you always. Faith means that you have to trust Him, even when things aren't going your way - you have to accept that you dont always understand how He works but you know that He will do what is right for you.
My faith is something that I want to be proud of. I know it is not yet perfect because many times I find myself faltering and wondering why Kanhaji didn't do a certain thing at a certain time or why He allowed me to put myself in a situation where I wasn't totally comfortable. But the thing is, that's what faith is all about - knowing in the end that Kanhaji wants us to learn life's lessons and He will find a way to teach those things to us and He will find a way to help us along the way when things get too difficult.
Faith in Kanhaji is something that we must work at.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Whenever I feel anything I turn to You - happy, sad, angry, scared, worried, elated, anxious, excited, surprised, I turn to You. You are always there Kanha, You will always be with me, You will always love me and You will always show me a way to move from negative into positive. Of this I am absolutely certain.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kanha comforts

Sometimes we need comfort and some extra TLC. Kanha is ALWAYS there to provide that to us. It doesnt matter if those we love do not do this for us, He will do it and He will take care of us in the same manner in which He always does. Kanha will always love us and always take care of us. Even when others seem to have turned their backs on you, do not give up, instead, turn to Kanha and love Him always as a tribute to His undying and everlasting love for you.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Kanha is all around us. I know I keep saying that but some days it just hits you in such a blatant manner that you cant help but think 'Jai Shri Krishna! I felt You here with me today!'. Does that ever happen to you reader?
Well it happens to me all the time- something bad was about to happen and it didnt, you see other people struggling to do something that you know you would have suffered to do as well but Kanhaji guided you in some special way and allowed you to get through it all.
Kanhaji sometimes makes us do things that other people dont understand - compassionate things like give people our money, our time, our teachings and wisdom, and most of all - our LOVE!
Kanha, please continue working in all of our lives in this way.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kanha - decisions

Kanha helps me make the right decisions in life always. For this I am very grateful because without Him I know I would have felt lost and more than a little lonely at times.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Kanha is in my heart

Kanha, You are always in my heart, always in my soul and Your words always guide me. Thank You for being with me and helping me in so many ways - some ways that I have discovered and others that I havent.
Kanha, please touch the lives of those reading this blog and let them know that You are Lord and You will protect them always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Kanha helps me to recover.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kanha motivates and helps

And He teaches me to do the same for my friends and those I care about deeply. Every now and then we all need a little boost to motivate us. Kanhaji is always there to provide that and He even begins to tell us how to comfort and take care of those around us. Being imperfect, we sometimes do not understand the purely selfless nature in such acts. However, Kanha is there to guide us and help us always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kanha takes care of it all

All aspects of our lives need Kanha's intervention. We should remember that He is the one we should always turn to when we need guidance, protection, help, love. He always comes through for us and shows us the right things to do to take care of ourselves and of those around us. Kanha helps us to be good people - kind and loving and accepting of others and I can assure you that whenever people see a devotee of Kanha they know that something is special about that person because they can sense something different in our lives. I have felt this happening with myself recently - I feel a difference in the way I feel now, when I am devout to Kanha and they way I used to feel in the past, before Kanha was such an important part of my life.
Kanha, thank You for bringing about this change in my life and please continue to be a presence in my life now and always. Please take care of everyone reading this post.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kanha, sirf Kanha

Many times in life I've heard people say that you should never put your 'head on a block' for anyone. Its true. Others have made exceptions to this rule - never put your head on a block for anyone but your immediate family. But, the truth is, immediate family sometimes surprises you in a negative way! Therefore, never put your head on a block for anyone. Instead, remember that the only one you can trust is Kanha. He is the only one who will always help us and take care of us from now and forevermore.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kanha makes me self-sufficient

Being independent is a major goal of all adults today. We never like to think that we are dependent on others to help us or to take care of us. We prefer to think that we can do it all alone. This is both a good and a bad thing. Independence is desireable because it means that we are now able to take care of ourselves and make our own ways in the world. However, many parents have a hard time letting go of their children and try to hold on to them. We, as children, must understand that our parents have given their lives to bringing us up and are therefore attached to us. But, the responsbility also lies in us to make our parents understand that they do need to let go of us. We must be able to assure them that we can make our own ways in the world with Kanha's help. Remind them that Kanha is always there to lend a helping hand.
Kanha wants us to be independent but He also wants us to be able to turn to Him and to remember that He controls all.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kanha gives us intelligence

Talent, education, responsibility, all those words go together. Those of us who are talented or educated, know that those things bring power - people begin to look up to you and see you as someone to be emulated, as someone to trust and listen to. This is the power that we get from being very talented and or educated and skilled in our various professions. However, the ability to use that type of power for good or evil rests within us and I truly believe that the only way that someone can truly resist temptation to do evil is by following Kanhaji and listening to Him, placing faith and trust in Him and asking Him to be our guide and counselor along every step of the way.

I think that we would do well to remember that exercising power in a negative manner is hurting Kanhaji and that it doesnt matter if no one else knows about the wrong things that we may do while in positions of power, Kanhaji knows and He will always know. He is always watching and this is something that we must remember at ALL times.

Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kanha boosts my confidence

Sometimes your confidence wanes and things seem a little scary. At those times turning to Kanha is important. He will provide the boost in confidence that we need. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Kanha always helps

Kanha teaches us valuable lessons and He always helps us.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kanhaji gives us wake-up calls

When danger is near or when we have done something that will harm ourselves or health, Kanhaji gives us a wake-up call that tells us that we need to alter our behaviour if we wish to excel.

Kanhaji gives me confidence

New experiences are always very nerve wracking, but Kanhaji is always there to take care of us all and give us the much needed confidence required to move forward and succeed.

Kanhaji helps me to maintain family connections

All relationships require work. If people dont make an effort to take care of one another and be close to each other, then things dont work out - siblings become distant, parents and children dont speak, friends are no longer friends - sound depressing doesn't it?
I think that one of the major lessons Kanhaji taught us is about personal interrelationships - He loved everyone when He came to earth and everyone loved Him. Those who didnt show love for Him, like the Kauravas, were scared of Him, but even that fear is a form of devotion because one of the most popular things parents say to errant children is "if you dont fear anyone, fear God". And its true, Kanhaji is there to correct us when we are doing the wrong thing, He is there to guide and protect us to help us to continue doing the correct thing.
The correct thing in this case is to be close to family - immediate and extended.
Jai Shri Krishna

Sunday, November 7, 2010

kanhaji gives me new ideas

Whenever I feel backed into a corner and like I am at a loss for ideas, something comes to me. Its not coincidence! Its Kanhaji acting in my life.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kanhaji creates opportunities

Kanhaji creates opportunities for us to excel, to shine, to do well. Sometimes we make the most of these, other times we dont. When we falter we feel badly, upset, sad, hurt confused, ashamed. Kanhaji knows all of these things and He is always there to make us feel better. Just as when we were children and our emotions were heightened - we would cry when we were scared, upset, hurt and especially when we were ashamed because we could have recognized the feeling that something bad had happened and it was our fault and we didnt know how to deal with it. So, we tried to glean sympathy from those around us in the form of tears. You may think that this is a rather complex analysis of a child's tears but I myself remember being a little child and crying to get certain things that I wanted - dont think me terribly spoiled, all children do this!
However, as we grow older we learn that we must deal with our emotions ourselves and we should learn to minimize the situations in which we may be left feeling ashamed.
When it does happen, some people deal with it better than others. It doesnt matter if you can deal with it or not, you should turn to Kanhaji because as much as you think that you have dealt with your emotions, He knows so much more and placing yourself in His hands gives you a sense of calm and a feeling of safety like no other.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Kanhaji's Divali ashirvad

Divali is the festival of lights - the true celebration of the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Kanhaji is the one who dispels darkness in the world - He helps us to find light and to see light in situations. He helps us to make friends and find those who love us and will be with us forever. Kanhaji helps us to make difficult decisions and to keep difficult promises. He guides us and takes care of us and He always will.
I am sure of this now and always. Kanhaji, this year Your Divali blessings helped me to see the value of the friends I have who have become like family members now.
Thank You for Your blessings now and always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kanhaji helps me with what I need

Needs and wants are completely different concepts - we should be clear of that. Kanhaji always takes care of our needs and sometimes He helps us to take care of our wants as well. Kanhaji loves us unconditionally and all He asks is that we remember that and love Him as well. Loving Him is really easy, I always talk to Kanhaji as if He is my friend. That helps me significantly in feeling close to Him.
Its Divali tomorrow, in some places, today. Remember Kanhaji and let a close relationship with Him be something that you want this Divali.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kanhaji's forgiveness

"To err is human" is one of the earliest quotes I remember. I remember at the time wondering if it wasnt just a phrase that people said to make themselves feel better when they did something wrong. Perhaps it is, perhaps its not. I think that the phrase ultimately means that we as human beings do wrong things sometimes even though we know those things are wrong because they give us an easy way out or they provide pleasure of some form.
Kanhaji is God and the Supreme Being is never wrong. He always does what is right, all the time. He is always there to pick us up when we have fallen, to guide us back on the right paths, to protect us and to care about us and love us always. Kanhaji is the one we love and He loves us very much. He will always love us, this I know for certain.
Kanhaji's heart is so big that He is willing to forgive us when we do something wrong. He helps us to get back onto the right path once more. Kanhaji, thank You for Your divine intervention in our lives.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kanhaji shows me a solution

Kanhaji knows all of our problems before we tell Him. However, He loves it when we confide in Him. That's what I do all the time. He is really my saviour because if He weren't here then I dont know who I would talk to and who I would pour out the deepest desires of my heart to.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kanhaji thank You for helping me

Kanhaji helps us in little ways every single day of our lives. Sometimes He helps us in big ways when we ask Him to and we can actually feel His divine presence around us. Other times, his actions are a little more subtle and only when we sit and think about it do we realize that Kanhaji was the one behind it all. Kanhaji loves us all very much and we should remember that no matter what happens in our lives - its because He loves us and wants to take care of us forever. He will always do that and He will always be our friend.
Jai Shri Krishna!