Friday, February 24, 2012

Using our time wisely

As the day wears on do you ever feel like you have wasted time? Well it happens to all of us but we need to remember that time is a precious commodity. Once lost, it cannot be regained and we should try our hardest to use it wisely. Kanha is with us to help us to learn to use our time wisely and if we look carefully at His little lessons, we will see that He understood the importance of time also. When He was a child, He lived with Nand and Yashoda. But He knew that when He grew up He would have to leave to go back to His biological parents. When He was with Arjuna on the battlefield and Arjuna was hesitating to kill, He picked up the weapons Himself to do so since He felt that Arjuna was wasting time. Let us all try to use our time wisely and not waste it. Let us be able to say at the end of the day that we did everything we should have and spent the day well. Jai Shri Krishna!

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