Sunday, February 26, 2012

Knowing your limits

We all have to stop and define our limits at some point. There are several limits that we will meet - in our actions and in our thoughts. We may create the limits ourselves or we may have them imposed by society or the legal system. Most of the time our conscience guides us about what is acceptable and correct and what is not. Sometimes we are unaware of limits that others have placed because of a lack of communication and we may end up breaching those limits. If it happens unintentionally then we must apologise still and continue. Kanha realised the importance of limits - He preserved Draupadi's honour by replenishing her sari so that she would not be disgraced in front of her elders, He was forced to punish Kans when Kans breached the limits of proper behaviour. He knew that limits would be placed of His and Radha's interaction and He dealt with it. We must recognise our limits and stay within them so that Kanha will be pleased. Jai Shri Krishna!

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