Sunday, February 12, 2012

Doing what is right

It is not always easy to do what is right. Sometimes it is a lot easier to do the wrong thing than it is to do the right thing. But Kanha made it that way on purpose - He wanted to test us to see if we are capable of fighting temptation, calling on Him and knowing that in the end we should do the right thing. There are many times when we can let our emotions get control of us and do the wrong thing - hit someone, yell at someone, say something about or to someone that we shouldn't. We may not feel like we will even regret it. But deep down we are aware that it is entirely the wrong thing to do. At times like these we should remember Kanha and our vow to love Him and not hurt Him. When we do wrong things we hurt Him because He trusts us and loves us and He expects us to do the right things. He understands that we will fail sometimes and make mistakes. But those mistakes should be few and should not be done intentionally. Overall our goal is to live good and honest lives grounded in our faith in Him. It doesn't matter if others hurt us or want to encourage us to do wrong - we should always do what is right and love Him with all our hearts. Jai Shri Krishna!

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