Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trust in Kanhaji

Trust is an important foundation in any relationship in the world. Trust is the hardest thing to gain and the easiest thing to break. A shadow of a doubt created by someone else can spin trust out of control and into distrust, dislike, and have an overall destructive effect on the relationship.
Kanhaji teaches us how to trust, who to trust, when to trust and He helps us build trust by allowing us to trust in Him.
Kanhaji is the one I trust with everything - all of my thoughts good and bad are poured out to Him. I know that its hard to believe that pouring out bad thoughts is acceptable but my grandmother once told me that if you dont share bad thoughts with God they will fester inside of you and breed negativity which will eventually harm you. I dont want this for myself and so I trust Kanhaji with everything.
Trusting Him helps me have peace of mind.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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