Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kanhaji gives us a boost

There are times when we feel like we want to skip doing something that we know we should do. At those times, when our enthusiasm is low and we suddenly feel a boost of energy again, who do you think has helped? Kanhaji of course. Remember in the Bhagvad Gita when Arjuna was saying that he has not the courage to face all his elders in battle, that he doesnt want to fight them, Kanhaji said that he must fight for what is right and that He, Kanhaji, will be with him always.
This is so true of our daily lives, Kanhaji is constantly encouraging us to do the right thing in spite of scary circumstances or not wanting to stand up to our elders.
Kanhaji will always help us and give us a boost when we need it. We just have to pray to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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