Monday, January 24, 2011

Kanhaji helps us deal with difficult people

In the Mahabharata Kanhaji helped his cousin Arjuna win the war. However, the war was fought between two sets of relatives (as we all know). In every family there are difficult people and there is conflict. This is because different personalities are all put together. Kanhaji made everything that way. He loves us always and He always will. He will always help us to learn to become better people and that is why the system of families has been created in that way. He wants us to learn from these people with differing personalities. He wants us to get to understand them at home so that when we meet similar people in the real world, we will have some experience in dealing with them.
Sometimes when we gripe about unreasonable relatives our friends will have a similar story about one of their relatives as well. This is what truly shows us that people in the same family do not have the have the same personalities. In fact, they are often very different.
I think that we can all agree that Duryodhana was a difficult person in the Mahabharata and he was difficult even to his parents, siblings, and of course, the Pandavas, his cousins. In the end Kanhaji had to punish him because of his negative behaviour. However, He gave him opportunities to reform himself.
I think that if we cannot deal with a difficult person in our lives - family wise or otherwise, we should ask Kanhaji for help.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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