Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kanhaji comforts

I was listening to a podcast today about Kanhaji and the reader was saying that Kanhaji takes the form that we want Him to take and allows Himself to be worshipped by us in that form that we prefer. If we wish to see Him as a son, He will oblige, a lover, He will oblige, a father, He will oblige, a friend, He will oblige, a protection, guide, destroyer of evil...He will oblige us in all of these. But, the interesting thing I thought was when the reader mentioned that even those who meditate on Kanhaji with hate and dislike will attain moksha if they do so single-mindedly as Kansa did because Kanhaji is God and focusing on Him alone will allow a person to attain enlightenment.
This was an odd concept to me - how can someone who hates God still attain enlightenment but the reader said that because Kanhaji is God and God is the one we should focus on at all times, it is possible.
However, I much prefer to focus on Kanhaji with love and to include Him in every aspect of my life as a close confidante - in many cases my only confidante.
Kanhaji, thank You for providing comfort when it is needed and thank You for being with us always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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