Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kanhaji ka dil

One thing I am absolutely sure about is how big Kanhaji's heart is. He is always willing to accept us back into His fold and to guide us out of the bad into the good. Kanhaji loves us and cares about us always. He is the one we should trust and go to when our hearts are sore or broken. He fixes us up very quickly and He brings us out of the bad into the good. He will always look out for us, and most importantly, He will always love us. Kanhaji loves us and He always will - His heart is big enough to love everyone. We should follow His lead and try our very best to spread love and not hate in the world.
I always get very sad when I hear people misinterpreting the Kanha leela. They always say that Kanhaji's relationships with the gopis was not very respectable. However, the thing is, when people read that they take it literally - Him loving them and them loving Him, even His relationship with Radhika, they take is all literally. But these stories are written to help us to understand in our human way. Really though, Kanhaji was expressing love to the gopis in a way that they would understand but He never crossed any boundaries - He made them think that He loved them the way that they wanted to be loved by Him. This is why the holy words say that Kanhaji will come into our lives in the form we would like Him to - as a friend, as a lover, as a son, as a brother. He is always there for us in all tehse different forms. He will always love us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

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