Monday, January 31, 2011


Kanhaji is all around. Sometimes this fact just hits me in the most unexpected ways.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kanhaji teaches lessons

There are many lessons to be learned in life - about when you should do something, when you shouldn't do other things, what is appropriate, what isn't, how to take care of yourself, how to deal with others in the world. Kanhaji teaches us all of these lessons and many more because He wants us to be prepared for the outside world which isnt always pleasant. Sometimes people say things that upset us - either intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes people let us down, but the one thing to remember is that Kanhaji never ever lets us down. He is always on our side, always loving us and always taking care of us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kanhaji lets us see different types of people

Kanhaji always tries to show us differences in personalities to our own. We know ourselves so well that when we meet someone with a similar personality to ours, we immediately click with that person. Sometimes we meet very hostile or harsh people and we have clashes with them. We may also end up feeling upset after an encounter with such persons. Kanhaji gives us His guidance and assistance. He loves us and always will. He shows us how to treat those people and maintain our dignity. He shows us how to love each other in spite of negative things happening around us.
Kanhaji loves us and He wants us to love others in the same way.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Kanhaji takes care of us

Kanhaji takes care of us - the best care that anyone can ever give us. He cares about us in total - our hearts, our minds, our bodies, and most importantly - our souls. Kanhaji loves us as much as we love Him and even more, because His love is unconditional. However, people may wonder why hardships come into their lives if Kanhaji loves us this much. It is because He gives us these things to be stronger people in the end. See my post about this.
Kanhaji shares His love with everyone and He just wants us to be loving to others as well.
Kanhaji, thank You for Your care, Your love and Your protection.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kanhaji ka dil

One thing I am absolutely sure about is how big Kanhaji's heart is. He is always willing to accept us back into His fold and to guide us out of the bad into the good. Kanhaji loves us and cares about us always. He is the one we should trust and go to when our hearts are sore or broken. He fixes us up very quickly and He brings us out of the bad into the good. He will always look out for us, and most importantly, He will always love us. Kanhaji loves us and He always will - His heart is big enough to love everyone. We should follow His lead and try our very best to spread love and not hate in the world.
I always get very sad when I hear people misinterpreting the Kanha leela. They always say that Kanhaji's relationships with the gopis was not very respectable. However, the thing is, when people read that they take it literally - Him loving them and them loving Him, even His relationship with Radhika, they take is all literally. But these stories are written to help us to understand in our human way. Really though, Kanhaji was expressing love to the gopis in a way that they would understand but He never crossed any boundaries - He made them think that He loved them the way that they wanted to be loved by Him. This is why the holy words say that Kanhaji will come into our lives in the form we would like Him to - as a friend, as a lover, as a son, as a brother. He is always there for us in all tehse different forms. He will always love us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kanhaji helps us deal

Sometimes we look back at a situation and find that we could have dealt with it differently. Kanhaji understands that and He wants us to recognize what we could have done differently, learn from our mistakes and eventually use the information to help us in another venture. Kanhaji loves us very much and He will always take care of us. However, it does not mean that He will not let anything negative happen to us. Negative experiences help us to learn how to be better, how to feel better and how to deal with people and similar situations in the future.
He also opens our eyes up to truth, no matter how bitter it may be it is always best to face up to the truth since it will always be around and will always come out. There are various reasons that learning the truth can hurt but Kanhaji ultimately shows us how to be able to deal with unpleasant truths. He will always look after us and care about us in every way.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kanhaji gives us a boost

There are times when we feel like we want to skip doing something that we know we should do. At those times, when our enthusiasm is low and we suddenly feel a boost of energy again, who do you think has helped? Kanhaji of course. Remember in the Bhagvad Gita when Arjuna was saying that he has not the courage to face all his elders in battle, that he doesnt want to fight them, Kanhaji said that he must fight for what is right and that He, Kanhaji, will be with him always.
This is so true of our daily lives, Kanhaji is constantly encouraging us to do the right thing in spite of scary circumstances or not wanting to stand up to our elders.
Kanhaji will always help us and give us a boost when we need it. We just have to pray to Him.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kanhaji helps us deal with difficult people

In the Mahabharata Kanhaji helped his cousin Arjuna win the war. However, the war was fought between two sets of relatives (as we all know). In every family there are difficult people and there is conflict. This is because different personalities are all put together. Kanhaji made everything that way. He loves us always and He always will. He will always help us to learn to become better people and that is why the system of families has been created in that way. He wants us to learn from these people with differing personalities. He wants us to get to understand them at home so that when we meet similar people in the real world, we will have some experience in dealing with them.
Sometimes when we gripe about unreasonable relatives our friends will have a similar story about one of their relatives as well. This is what truly shows us that people in the same family do not have the have the same personalities. In fact, they are often very different.
I think that we can all agree that Duryodhana was a difficult person in the Mahabharata and he was difficult even to his parents, siblings, and of course, the Pandavas, his cousins. In the end Kanhaji had to punish him because of his negative behaviour. However, He gave him opportunities to reform himself.
I think that if we cannot deal with a difficult person in our lives - family wise or otherwise, we should ask Kanhaji for help.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kanhaji's guidance

Sometimes we find ourselves doing things that we didnt plan to do - passing a different route on our way to our destinations, calling someone, stopping to do something we normally wouldn't. And then, along that unexpected journey, we meet someone we havent seen in years, or we strike up a conversation with a stranger that led us to explore things that we didnt think we would. Why do these things happen? Its Kanhaji's guidance and divine intervention in our lives of course! He loves us and cares for us in a way that no one else can. He always wants the best for us and it is because of that He sometimes directs us in a different way than the one we imagined. Even in the very little ways He helps us.
Kanhaji, thank You for intervening in our lives and guiding us. Thank You for being with us.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to not despair

Sometimes its easy to fall into despair. Its relatively easy to feel like your time has been wasted, people have used you, you are generally unhappy and do not know how to get out of that mood. The thing is, even though this happens to the best of us, all we need to do is pray to Kanhaji for guidance, love, trust, help. He helps us whenever we ask Him to and He helps us to do good, feel good, promote good. Kanhaji is the one we should love now and always. He is our guide.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Kanhaji please give us all birthday blessings

Today is a relative's birthday. I think this particular person is misunderstood so I try to make an effort and be nice. Kanhaji, thank You for the gift of life and please help us all to recognize that You allowed us to come into this world for a particular reason. You want us to be a certain type of person and You want us to make a difference. Please help us Kanhaji, please take care of us. Please shower birthday blessings on everyone who has their birthday today.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kanhaji helps with disappointments

Disappointments are a part of everyone's life. Kanhaji helps us when particularly difficult ones come along and we feel at a loss about what to do.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kanhaji lifts moods

Kanhaji cheers us up when we are down. Its easy to fall into despair and feel like everything is going wrong when a few things dont go your way. However, Kanhaji teaches us that He can help and give us encouragement to win the war, even if we do lose the battle along the way. Look at what happened to the Pandavas - they were thrown out of their own castle and exiled to a barren land but Kanhaji helped them and in the end their truthfulness and goodness helped them to win the war. Kanhaji was on their side and no one, not even the most skilled warriors, could change the outcome of such a battle.
This is true even if we feel like we are cornered and things will never work out for us - Kanhaji can send an army of people to help us, He can take care of us in ways that we never thought possible - He provides the answers when we need them.
Kanhaji is there to counsel and help and to cheer us up when we are down.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trust in Kanhaji

Trust is an important foundation in any relationship in the world. Trust is the hardest thing to gain and the easiest thing to break. A shadow of a doubt created by someone else can spin trust out of control and into distrust, dislike, and have an overall destructive effect on the relationship.
Kanhaji teaches us how to trust, who to trust, when to trust and He helps us build trust by allowing us to trust in Him.
Kanhaji is the one I trust with everything - all of my thoughts good and bad are poured out to Him. I know that its hard to believe that pouring out bad thoughts is acceptable but my grandmother once told me that if you dont share bad thoughts with God they will fester inside of you and breed negativity which will eventually harm you. I dont want this for myself and so I trust Kanhaji with everything.
Trusting Him helps me have peace of mind.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Kanhaji helps

It doesnt matter what kind of help we need - Kanhaji is always there to take care of us. He makes us stronger, happier, healthier, emotionally more secure. Kanhaji is the one who can do all of this. He always helps us.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kanhaji provides strength

Kanhaji gives us the benefit of His strength when we need it. I dont necessarily mean physically. I mean that Kanhaji provides emotional strength and internal help with problems that we face. He also takes care of us in a way that makes us understand that He is with us and that as long as He is on our side, no one else can harm us, even if they desperately want to. Kanhaji loves us and will always love us and we should remember that. We should also remember to thank Him for being in our lives. I try to do that every day but I know that even that is not enough. He is always with us and there is no way that we can thank Him enough for everything that He does to take care of us.
Kanhaji's love and strength and protection are invaluable and we should remember that no matter how bad things get He is always with us.
I chose the picture with Kanhaji holding up Govardhan mountain to save everyone because I felt that this picture best demonstrates to us what Kanhaji's physical strength is like. However, scriptures are not always meant to be taken literally and instead we can interpret this as also being Kanhaji's emotional strength and how much He can be our ultimate counsel, friend, guide, protector.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kanhaji comforts

I was listening to a podcast today about Kanhaji and the reader was saying that Kanhaji takes the form that we want Him to take and allows Himself to be worshipped by us in that form that we prefer. If we wish to see Him as a son, He will oblige, a lover, He will oblige, a father, He will oblige, a friend, He will oblige, a protection, guide, destroyer of evil...He will oblige us in all of these. But, the interesting thing I thought was when the reader mentioned that even those who meditate on Kanhaji with hate and dislike will attain moksha if they do so single-mindedly as Kansa did because Kanhaji is God and focusing on Him alone will allow a person to attain enlightenment.
This was an odd concept to me - how can someone who hates God still attain enlightenment but the reader said that because Kanhaji is God and God is the one we should focus on at all times, it is possible.
However, I much prefer to focus on Kanhaji with love and to include Him in every aspect of my life as a close confidante - in many cases my only confidante.
Kanhaji, thank You for providing comfort when it is needed and thank You for being with us always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Kanhaji's patience

Kanhaji is very patient. He knows that we take a long time to learn some lessons and that some of us take a long time to come to Him. However, He waits for us and loves us all the same while we are being impossible and difficult to deal with. Kanhaji teaches us to be patient with others who are having a hard time understanding or dealing with things - they may be younger members of our families or older members. The important thing to remember is to respect whoever you are dealing with. There has been a recent and quite terrible trend to make fun of the older citizens in society. However, the truth is it is an honour to be able to grow old since you are able to see your accomplishments and to reflect on your life.
There is also a trend to make fun of the very young and try to ridicule them when they get upset or get something wrong. This is clearly a wrong action since these children will one day grow up and treat us with disdain when they remember what we did to them. I wonder if this is why some people treat the old with such disrespect.
No matter the reason for these undesireable acts, the important thing to remember is that Kanhaji wants us to behave in a respectful and loving way always. He is always with us taking care of us and guiding us and we need to remember Him in everything we do - even the little things like this.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kanhaji keeps us busy

Being busy is not a bad thing. When we are busy then we are able to accomplish things and we feel a sense of self worth. When we have nothing to do after a busy period we tend to feel relaxed and at ease. However, if the period of relaxation lasts too long we begin to get restless and wish once more for something useful to do. Kanhaji understands this and He tries to keep us busy with productive and useful activities.
We should remember Him when we try to find something to do and make sure that it is something that we would be proud to show Him and say "This is what I did today, do You like it?"
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kanhaji will help us to let go of the past

I find myself sometimes focusing too much on the past and on regrets and mistakes made. The thing is, no matter how much we think about it - we cannot change the past no matter what we do. Kanhaji has made us live through those things to learn valuable lessons that will help us to be better people in the long run. Kanhaji is the one we should open our hearts to, He will help us let go of past hurts, past embarrassments, past pain, past regret, past sorrow, past love, past accomplishments that make us feel that we can never be that good again or that make us far too pompous and unlikeable to everyone around us. Kanhaji teaches us to forgive those who have hurt us in the past and how to protect ourselves against such future pain from persons who would want to hurt us. Kanhaji teaches us to understand that people who were dear to us and may have hurt us, did not necessarily do so intentionally. He teaches us to understand others by way of us now being put in their positions, or to have enough worldly knowledge to understand their positions at the time.
Kanhaji will help us to deal with the past and He will help us to deal with the future. We just need to ask Him for His divine intervention, help and love always.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kanhaji helps us to regain focus

It is easy enough to lose sight of our dreams. To become complacent and feel like we are no longer able to cope with what we want is often the case. However, Kanhaji may allow us to wallow in our uneasiness for a while and He may allow us to slack off as well. But, He never allows this for long. Fruitful and productive behaviour is useful for Kanhaji and He wants us all to engage in productive activities. He will encourage us out of our slackness and into being more motivated when He sees the laziness taking over. I know because He has helped me many times and has even scared me into doing the right thing. Thank You for this Kanhaji and please continue to help me and everyone else reading this blog to deal with temporary lack of motivation. Please remind us of why we chose certain activities to focus on, why we decided to be who we are professionally, academically, emotionally, and most important, spiritually.
I feel like this image is suited to this post since it shows Kanhaji innovating and trying to find a way to please His father even though the slippers are too heavy for Him - He put them on His head to bring them to the man because His father asked this of Him. We should all use this as a motivator and remember that when we really want to achieve something - we will find a way to do so with Kanhaji's help!
Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kanhaji teaches us when to slow down

Its easy to get caught up in the rush of life - always having to meet deadlines, do certain tasks, be certain places, fulfill duties etc. However sometimes Kanhaji gives us cues to just slow down and relax to maintain our happiness. He helps us to recover from exhaustion and to prevent any possible longer term consequences.
Kanhaji is the one we should trust to help us whenever we need Him and even when we dont realize that we need His intervention, He helps us.
Its amazing to feel loved and protected by Him.
The picture I've included is one of my favourites of Kanhaji because it shows Him watching us even while He's going about His normal baby business. He is always able to see what is hurting us or upsetting us and He helps us. This is what this picture conveys to me - that He is always watching over us, no matter what.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kanhaji helps...

Kanhaji helps in so many ways - ways we dont even understand. I never thought that certain things in my life would turn out the way that they have and I have learned to accept the good and the bad with Kanhaji's help. Of course there are things in our lives we want to change, that is the nature of humans - we always want to achieve something else, something better, to be better, to do better. Envy is something that we should try hard to guard against. Envying others leads to destructive behaviour. Instead we should try to find a way to alter our attitudes so that we can become happier.
Kanhaji loves us and if we ask Him for His help, I am sure that He will take care of everything.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kanhaji finds a way to get through to us when nothing else works

Sometimes we have to take drastic measures against things. Kanhaji finds a way to get through to difficult people - ways that we would not have thought of to help. He always takes care of us and keeps us safe and He does it knowing that we may not love Him back. Its scary to think of a life without Kanhaji to turn to. He makes everything perfectly fine.
Sometimes a little boost is all we need to be able to settle down and do the right thing. Kanhaji helped me today and I am grateful to Him for that. The need to be a better person will win over the need to do something that is risky and thrilling.
Thank You for Your love Kanhaji,
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pray harder

Sometimes when we try to do something - achieve something, leave some bad habit behind, overcome something, we are unsuccessful. What we need to do is pray harder to Kanhaji and He will help us to overcome our troubles. He will teach us the right things to do and how to achieve goodness instead of evil. Whenever we feel that we are about to falter we should remember Kanhaji and focus on Him. Try to push the bad thoughts away and ask Him for His help.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kanhaji's help with restraint

sometimes we need to contain aspects of our personality or behaviour that may be displeasing to others and poisonous to our own selves. Kanhaji takes care of us when we need to change. He guides us and helps us through to become better people in the long run. Kanhaji loves us and we should remember that improving ourselves will bring us closer to Him in the long run.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kanhaji's peace

Sometimes we need to find inner peace. We all strive for external peace - peace in our lives, in our surroundings, even in the world. However, inner peace is very important to us and we should remember to ask Kanhaji to help us achieve this. Persons with unpeaceful thoughts are unable to act properly - they have to live different lives, always in a state of unrest. Kanhaji loves us and guides us to be happy and healthy internally and externally. He takes care of our bodies and our minds. We should thank Him for that.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kanhaji understands that sometimes I just want to be alone

People often dont understand when others want to be alone - they feel rejected, upset and worried that their dear friends no longer love them, that their families no longer consider them. Kanhaji understands when we need to be alone and He creates the situations for us to sit with our thoughts.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanhaji helps me be productive

Yesterday was the first work day of the year for employees the world over. I went to my office armed with a long list of things to do and Kanhaji helped me to accomplish them all. This is how Kanhaji helps us to be productive. He takes care of us and cherishes us - He pampers us when we need it and He teaches us to work hard as well.
Kanhaji Himself was always doing good work - teaching us lessons, destroying enemies and caring for the sick and helpless. Kanhaji's example is what we need to learn to become more productive and to be better workers. Let him remind us of that.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kanhaji loves us

Kanhaji loves us and He teaches us how to be good people through different paths. He shows us how to love others, how to be good citizens, how to live a good life. Some people find that living the correct way is boring but I have to differ. Kanhaji is the one who always shows us that He can take care of us regardless of the circumstances. He can take us from being in the lowest of moods, to be happiest. He can teach us how to get out of bad situations and to become good people. Kanhaji helps us to heal others with love and affection. He helps us to manage our negative moods in a way that brings about good for others. Kanhaji loves us and we should remember that even when hardships come our way, it is because He sent them to teach us valuable lessons.
We should never forget that Kanhaji came here on earth many years ago to teach us how to live and how to enjoy life, a pundit once preached a sermon on Janmashthami night about Kanhaji coming on earth to teach us how to enjoy life. That stayed with me because I love Kanhaji's exploits as a child, a youth and even as an adult He was mischievous at times. This helped me to realize that the reason I love Kanhaji so much is because I love His playful nature and that helps me to identify with Him and want to love Him even more.
Thank You for Your love Kanhaji,
Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Kanha gives us new beginnings

A new year always signifies a new start - a new beginning to a part of our lives. We all love ringing in the new year, we love thinking about this fresh start. Kanha gives us fresh starts when we need them, we dont have to wait until the new year, or even until a new day! He gives us fresh starts and the opportunity to start doing the right thing from this moment onwards. He always loves us and tries to set us on the right path. Kanha is the one we should love and care about always, He loves us and we should always remember that no matter what happens in our lives that we can turn to Him.
Kanha, thank You for the fresh start that You have given to us today. Kanha I want to ask You to be a part of all of our lives in the coming year. Please continue to guide us, to protect us, to encourage us, to help us to become closer to You and to be better people.
Jai Shri Krishna!