Friday, May 28, 2010

My faith in Kanhaji

This is something that I know I will always be able to hold on to - my faith and trust in Kanhaji. I love Him more than anyone else in the world and I know that I will always love Him. He is always with me and in so many ways I see His divine presence working in my life. I love Him more and more every day. He is the first face I see when I wake up because I have positioned the picture of Him just so in my room. He is all around me and I am thankful that I am able to see Him working in my life every single day. He guides me and lets good things happen to me and when He gives me sorrow - its for a reason - to build my character and to show me that the path I chose was not necessarily the right one that He chose for me. He helps me to discover His love in many ways all the time. Kanhaji, thank You for Your love, Your guidance, Your divine protection.
The Bhagvad Gita 12.20 says "ye tu dharmamritam idam
yathoktam paryupasate
sraddadhana mat-parama
bhaktas te ’tiva me priyah"
Which means: "Those who follow this imperishable path of devotional service and who completely engage themselves with faith, making Me the supreme goal, are very, very dear to Me."
Kanhaji told us that if we believe in Him and Him alone then He will make all things right for us. He will take care of us now and always.
How can we not believe in Him after that promise?
Kanhaji - I love You and I always will.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Kanhaji takes care of everything

Don't you sometimes start a day feeling like things have just been going wrong from the beginning? That happens to me sometimes and then I pray about it - I ask Kanhaji to take control of my life and what do you think happens? He does, He takes control and everything works out in the end. Things begin to fall into place, decisions get made and people are happier than they were when we first started talking about whatever it is that I'm doing at the time. Kanhaji takes care of EVERYTHING in our lives and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to reap the rewards of His divine presence.
In the Bhagvad Gita I've read a few verses on control and there is one that I like best, it is as follows:
"tani sarvani samyamya
yukta asita mat-parah
vase hi yasyendriyani
tasya prajna pratisthita"
Or in English it is as follows:
"One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control, and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known as a man of steady intelligence."
This is how we should control ourselves if we want Kanhaji to shower His divine blessings on us. And it is true. When we chant his name and sing bhajans devoted to Him then we automatically begin to feel better, regardless of what is happening in our lives.
The picture I've included shows Kanhaji helping Draupadi when Duryodhana was trying to pull off her sari. Kanhaji showed that He was in control of the situation when he kept sending more and more cloth to make her sari never ending. I love that story because it shows just how much Kanhaji loves His devotees and that He will do anything for them.
Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

One truth prevails - I love You Kanhaji and nothing can change that

Many things have happened in my life over the years and now that I have truly accepted my love for You Kanhaji, things are so much better now. Little things have changed and someone on the outside might say that I myself have changed drastically but it's not that - it's You who have changed me Kanhaji. You have made me a far better person than I ever thought that I could be. I want all the readers of this blog to know that loving Kanhaji unconditionally, above all else in this world and above everyone else in this world will change your life and make it one million times better. It's hard to describe all the changes that have happened - my confidence is boosted, I know that I can get through anything and everything with Him by my side. I know that His love will take me through from bad to good.
This quote from the Bhagvad Gita tells us how we should behave:
man-maya mam upasritah
bahavo jnana-tapasa
puta mad-bhavam agatah"

"Being freed from attachment, fear and anger, being fully absorbed in Me and taking refuge in Me, many, many persons in the past became purified by knowledge of Me—and thus they all attained transcendental love for Me."
And its so true - if we devote everything to Kanhaji then we will be okay. His love will take care of us and keep us strong in the face of any disaster or harm or hurt. Kanhaji I love You and I want You to be a part of my life always - it doesn't matter if I have to give up certain things that I hold dear. I know that You will always be with me and help me to cope with any losses that I may face - emotional or physical.
The picture I have included shows Kanhaji and His mother - Yashoda Maiyya and she holds Him close to her with so much love it sometimes makes my eyes fill with tears.
Let us all love Kanhaji the way He deserves to be loved. Jai Shri Krishna.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kanhaji takes care of us all

Sometimes we may not be able to realize that Kanhaji is taking care of us all the time. We may be upset when something bad happens but we must remember His divine words: "sarva-karmany api sada
kurvano mad-vyapasrayah
mat-prasadad avapnoti
sasvatam padam avyayam"

"Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace."

Kanhaji will protect us from all evil, even evils that we inflict on ourselves. Kanhaji loves us always and He will always be our shield and protector as long as we believe in Him.
When bad things happen in my life I get very sad very quickly and it is easy to stay in that sad state - I used to do that before I became such a devoted devotee of Kanhaji but now I know that when things don't go my way it is because Kanhaji has a bigger and better plan for me and for us all. This is true for everyone - as long as you have unconditional love, faith and devotion to Kanhaji then things will be okay in your life.
The picture I've included is my favourite and even though I've used it many times I am using it today again. It's the one with Kanhaji sitting on Yashoda maiyya's lap - he looks so safe, so protected, so loved there and that is exactly how we should feel when Kanhaji is in charge of our lives - safe, protected, loved. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kanhaji's discourse on worship

In the Srimad Bhagavad Gita Kanhaji says "yanti deva-vrata devan
pitrn yanti pitr-vratah
bhutani yanti bhutejya
yanti mad-yajino ’pi mam"

"Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me."

Kanhaji is clearly stating what we must do if we want to live with Him - we must worship Him wholeheartedly - mind, body, soul and believe that He will truly take care of us in all ways, all the time. Kanhaji loves us very much and He will always take care of us but our worship to Him is also important. I try to keep fasts at least once a week and while I'm keeping the fast I remind myself that even if temptations come in the way, that fasting was intended to be something that reminds us of giving up for Kanhaji. Of sacrificing something to become closer to Him. When I do this, my will to fast becomes very strong and people cannot interfere with it, even if they wish to do so.
Worship does not only mean fasting though - worship means making sure that Kanhaji is on our minds and that we remember Him in everything that we do. Kanhaji is the one we must always trust and always care about, in every way, every day.

I've included two pictures in this blog post - the first one shows the women of Vrindavan, including Yashoda Maiyya bathing a baby Kanhaji. This is another way in which He allowed His devotees to worship Him - by serving Him and taking care of Him when He came as a baby.
The second picture shows Radharani and the Gopis worshiping Kanhaji and looking at Him with love and devotion in their eyes. They loved Him very much and when we love someone we do tend to put them on a pedestal but Kanhaji understood that their love for Him was because they subconsciously recognized that He was the Supreme.
There are many ways that we can worship Him and we must figure out what manner of worship suits us and Him best. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Kanhaji's divine protection

The following quote was taken from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita 18.57:
"cetasa sarva-karmani
mayi sannyasya mat-parah
buddhi-yogam upasritya
mac-cittah satatam bhava"

"In all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me."
I think that being under Kanhaji's protection is the best place in the world to be. He always guides me and takes care of me, and He does the same for all of us who are devoted to Him, heart and soul, mind and body. We must not only say that we are Kanhaji's bhaktis we must show it to everyone else. I truly believe this and the best way to show this is to be a good, kind person who shows love and not hate. There is just too much hatred, scepticism and hurt in this world and we need to spread love and give others protection in the same way that Kanhaji protects us.
I know that even when things don't go my way sometimes and I feel disappointed or sad about something that did not turn out the way that I wanted it to, its because Kanhaji was trying to save me from some bigger hurt or pain later on.
It's good to realize when something is about to go wrong and to take the necessary steps to stop it but we are not always able to see when things are going downhill. However, Kanhaji sees everything and He protects us no matter what. I truly believe this and if we trust in Him and ask for Him to help us to get through the difficult times, He will come through for us and always be there for us. Remember this always.
The picture I've chosen today shows Radharani at Kanhaji's feet and she is looking up at Him with eternal love and devotion on her face. She knows that no harm will come to her because He is there to protect her and take care of her. I think we must remember this and always feel that safe knowing that Kanhaji is with us to take care of us no matter what.
Jai Shri Krishna!