Monday, April 30, 2012

Talking to Kanha

Praying is definitely a good thing. I know that most of us have grown up listening to parents, grandparents, teachers and other persons in authority telling us that prayer is good and we should pray every day. We know that it is true. But I have found that many people don't know how to pray. We say prayers that have been constructed by others time and again but do we ever really pray from our own hearts? Do we ever talk to Kanha truly and tell Him what we are feeling, that we need Him in our lives and that we want Him with us always? We have to remember that Kanha has feelings. He wants to know that we truly do love Him and are not just praying because we feel obligated to. We have to really want to talk to Him and listen to Him and love Him. Jai Shri Krishna!

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