Monday, April 23, 2012

All we need is love - all of us!

We all need love to survive. Think of a newborn baby - when he or she is crying what is the easiest way to soothe? To pick him/her up of course. When we are hurt or upset or angry or scared, what do we find reassures us the most? A hug, a kiss, a kind and affectionate word from those we love. Kanha loves us immensely and we must remember that we are not the only ones who need love - He needs our love too. He wants us to shower our love on Him just as much as He showers His love on us. He will always keep us safe and He will always protect us, no matter what. But, we need to show Him that we love Him also. Not because He requires it, but because we require it. To build a good relationship with Him we need to love Him. To be able to fully trust Him, we need to love Him. Us loving Him benefits ourselves more than Him and He will make everything fall into place easily in our lives. Kanha listens to our prayers and He answers us every single day. Sometimes the answer is 'no'. Sometimes its 'wait' or 'not yet'. And other times it is 'yes'. We have to trust in Him that He will set everything right in the end and He will always take care of us. He will make sure that we are happy, healthy and safe. He will love us always. Jai Shri Krishna!

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