Monday, April 16, 2012

Kanha helps us to find out the truth

Truth is something that may be difficult to find. Even about ourselves. Kanha helps us to find out the truth about things that are happening in our lives and about the persons that we are and want to be in the future. He helps us to be good people and He cares about us. He keeps us safe and He helps us to find an inner strength and peace that we may not know that we had. He helps us to discover things on our own and come to terms with difficult but necessary decisions. Our own personal growth is something that we should never underestimate and we should remember that Kanha loves us regardless of what we do. He will always protect us and He will always send us things that will help us in the end even if at the moment they seem like obstacles, they may in fact end up being valuable lessons and stepping stones to a brighter and stronger future. Kanha helps us to realise what we want out of life and where we want to be. He helps us to realise the things we are willing to compromise on and the others that we are not willing to make compromises about. I want to emphasise again that HE LOVES US and ALWAYS WILL. Jai Shri Krishna!

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