Monday, April 30, 2012

Om Jai Shri Krishna Hare

I remember that line many times. I know that it is a comforting line to me and that is why I think of it. There is more to the bhajan it comes from but the one line serves to comfort me many times when I think that things are hard and unmanageable. Kanha always protects me and He will always protect you too. When you start to believe that, it will happen. Jai Shri Krishna!


Kanha had Balarama to protect Him and to be with Him through all His exploits. They were brothers and best friends. Even this is a lesson that He taught us. Many times we have to take care of our siblings and we turn to them as our friends when things are upsetting for us. We confide in them, we love them no matter what and this is what Kanha taught us. We may engage in sibling rivalry also but the truth is that Kanha always wants us to display our love for our siblings and to learn to forgive them and love them no matter what. That is why many times siblings are very different from us and we still have to learn to get along with them. Kanha sends them to us to teach us how to deal with people in our lives. He knows that we will need to learn these things and so He sends the lesson in the form of people we will always love. Kanha, thank You for teaching us how to love our siblings and to take care of them and even to let them take care of and guide us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Being kind to all living beings

Another thing that Kanha taught us is that we should be kind to all living beings and not treat them harshly. He befriended monkeys and gave them His mother's butter, He looked after the cows and He helped many animals while He was here on earth. He taught us how to live in every single way and we should remember that being kind to other creatures is included in loving all living beings. We should remember not to ill-treat any living animal or human and we should ask for Kanha to help the helpless. Jai Shri Krishna!

Talking to Kanha

Praying is definitely a good thing. I know that most of us have grown up listening to parents, grandparents, teachers and other persons in authority telling us that prayer is good and we should pray every day. We know that it is true. But I have found that many people don't know how to pray. We say prayers that have been constructed by others time and again but do we ever really pray from our own hearts? Do we ever talk to Kanha truly and tell Him what we are feeling, that we need Him in our lives and that we want Him with us always? We have to remember that Kanha has feelings. He wants to know that we truly do love Him and are not just praying because we feel obligated to. We have to really want to talk to Him and listen to Him and love Him. Jai Shri Krishna!


Devotion - what does it mean? To be devoted to someone means that you are attached to someone. To be devoted to Kanha means that you want to serve Him and only Him all the time. You want to pray to Him, to talk to Him, to ask for His guidance, love and acceptance. You want to hear what He has to say and you want to love Him always. Are we really devoted to Kanha? Do we really serve Him well or do we only ask Him for His help in our lives? Do we ever ask Him what He wants for us? Or do we only ask Him for our own selfish needs and never ask His opinion? We have to learn that He is there as a friend also and being devoted to Him means that we accept that His will is above all and we will do what He wants even if it is not what we want. Can we truly accept that? Jai Shri Krishna!

Listening to our hearts

I know that I am writing a lot about hearts but listening to our hearts is another thing that we do. And I know that people do not advise that we do this but sometimes I think that listening to our hearts is the best thing that we can do because Kanha is speaking to us through our hearts. We have to learn to listen to Him and to obey Him. Our lives may not always be perfect but if we dedicate our lives in service to Him, He will help us and take care of us forever. Let us always ask for Him to enter our hearts and to speak to us through our hearts. Jai Shri Krishna!

Loving Kanha with all our hearts

What does it mean to love with all our hearts? Don't we really love with our minds? Sometimes it feels as if our minds and hearts are in conflict though and at those times we believe that loving with all our hearts and all our souls is the better thing. Can we truly love Kanha with all our hearts? Can we say that we love Him above all others and that we will always obey Him even if the road is a hard one and we do not like what He sends our way? Can we truly retain our faith even when the worst things happen to us? I would like to say that I can and I hope that I can because thus far I have been able to accept what Kanha has given to me and I have always asked for His help along the way. I have let Him know time and again that I love Him and I want to obey Him. But even then, I have asked for His help to stay true to His words and His will. I know that humans are weak. I know that I am weak. We all have a tendency to blame others when things go wrong in our lives. But Kanha, He always does what is best for us and when we truly believe it then we will succeed and learn to accept the life He has given to us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Learning to learn

Sometimes we think that we know best and we are unwilling to listen to others and to learn from the benefit of their experiences and their love. Instead, we believe that people are trying to upset us and hurt us and that we should not listen to them because "they don't know how we feel". The truth is that there are many human emotions and people experience and react to things in different ways but at the end of the day the basics remain the same - we laugh when we are happy, we cry when we are sad, we shout and yell when we are angry, we tend to be more subdued when we are depressed or upset about something. Kanha made the emotions that we all feel in that way that we can feel something and sympathise with someone else who is feeling the same and we can make connections with people in that way - we talk to them, we interact with them, we fall in love with them. Kanha made all of this possible for us. He will always teach us and we have to learn to learn what He is teaching us and to listen to Him avidly. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kanha gives us peace

Kanha gives us peace in our lives and He helps us to find a way to deal with certain things happening to us right now. He takes care of us and teaches us how to interact with others who may think differently than we do. He intends to keep us safe always and He guides us and loves us all the way. Kanha is the one we should trust above all else because He always does and knows what is best for us. We may need time to see it but He will always bring us through to good times, away from bad ones. His ultimate goal is to ensure our long-term happiness as long as we entrust our lives to Him alone. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Everything happens according to Kanha's will

We cannot really control anything in our lives. Everything happens according to Kanha's will and the sooner we accept that, the easier our lives will become. We tend to stress out and freak out over things very easily but Kanha is the ruler, the judge, the one in charge of our lives and He ensures that what happens to us is for the best in the long run. We can only see the present and a certain distance into the future sometimes. He can see our whole lives ahead of us and He helps us to make decisions that will ensure our happiness in the long run. We have to trust in Him always and let Him truly take control of our lives. Let us all ask Kanha to take control of our lives today. Let us remember that He is our God and our friend. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, April 23, 2012

All we need is love - all of us!

We all need love to survive. Think of a newborn baby - when he or she is crying what is the easiest way to soothe? To pick him/her up of course. When we are hurt or upset or angry or scared, what do we find reassures us the most? A hug, a kiss, a kind and affectionate word from those we love. Kanha loves us immensely and we must remember that we are not the only ones who need love - He needs our love too. He wants us to shower our love on Him just as much as He showers His love on us. He will always keep us safe and He will always protect us, no matter what. But, we need to show Him that we love Him also. Not because He requires it, but because we require it. To build a good relationship with Him we need to love Him. To be able to fully trust Him, we need to love Him. Us loving Him benefits ourselves more than Him and He will make everything fall into place easily in our lives. Kanha listens to our prayers and He answers us every single day. Sometimes the answer is 'no'. Sometimes its 'wait' or 'not yet'. And other times it is 'yes'. We have to trust in Him that He will set everything right in the end and He will always take care of us. He will make sure that we are happy, healthy and safe. He will love us always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Stop over thinking, let Kanha guide

Sometimes we have to stop over thinking a situation and let Kanha be the guide to tell us what to do. We may find ourselves making a decision and then changing it several times. In this case we need to ask Kanha for His help to show us what we should do. We need His presence in our lives and we need to listen to Him sometimes instead of thinking that we alone know what is best for us. The truth is that He knows what is best for us both now and in the future and we need to learn to listen to Him. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Listen to your heart

That phrase comes up a lot - listen to your heart. Sometimes I felt that people were being sentimental when they said that and they were not able to think with their brains to make the right decision. However, now that I really consider it, I think that the phrase truly means that we should listen to what Kanha is telling us in our hearts. He will never lead us astray and we have to learn to trust His judgements and decisions. We have to learn to follow His path and to do the right thing by Him. We may listen to our friends, our relatives, our loved ones. However, at the end of the day, Kanha is the only one who we should listen to. He will keep us safe and He loves us more than anyone else ever will. Let us listen to our hearts and listen to Kanha. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sometimes we make mistakes

Life and people are not perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we fall and sometimes we do the wrong thing. Kanha knows this and He helps us to recover from our mistakes and to find a way to rectify them. He shows us signs and helps us to find out what we should do on our own. He sends us the lessons that we need to learn and He tries to help us. However, in the end the ultimate decision is our own - its what 'free will' means. I once was watching a religious show and Kanha was portrayed to say 'If things were so easy then there would never be evil in the world and everyone would follow me,'. How true. If Kanha really wanted to control our every thought, action, deed, He could. However, He chooses to give us the option to make the right decisions in life. He sends us people to help us and take care of us. He keeps us safe and He guides us to do the right thing. Kanha will always be there for us to take care of us and to help us. Even though we may refuse to listen to His guidance, He will still love us and He will still care for us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Kanha gives us opportunities

Kanha gives us opportunities to do things in life and at that point we have to stop and make decisions about where we want to go in life and who we want to be. He sends us the chances and we have to decide on which choice to make. We have to remember to be honest and true to ourselves. We have to remember to learn to do the right things and not the easy things. Kanha will see us through no matter how difficult the road. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Kanha sends us friends

There are reasons why Kanha sends certain people into our lives, He wants us to learn from them. He sends us persons who can be our good friends and He sends us those who we do not get along with. But, our true friends end up being like family members - we rely on them to help us, to take care of us, to laugh with us when we are happy, to cry with us when we are sad, to give us advice, to help us recover from negative things. We rely on our friends and Kanha knows this, that is why He sent such people into our lives. He sent them to care for us and to show us a different perspective than what would have been given by our relatives. Kanha knows that everyone needs a support group and everyone needs people who are both similar to them and different from them to help them on a daily basis. That is why He sent us friends. Kanha loved His friends and He always cared for them in a special way - He fought for them and He showered affection on them. He showed us how we should treat our friends and how we should live. He loves us and He will always love us and this is another way that He shows it. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Kanha helps us to find out the truth

Truth is something that may be difficult to find. Even about ourselves. Kanha helps us to find out the truth about things that are happening in our lives and about the persons that we are and want to be in the future. He helps us to be good people and He cares about us. He keeps us safe and He helps us to find an inner strength and peace that we may not know that we had. He helps us to discover things on our own and come to terms with difficult but necessary decisions. Our own personal growth is something that we should never underestimate and we should remember that Kanha loves us regardless of what we do. He will always protect us and He will always send us things that will help us in the end even if at the moment they seem like obstacles, they may in fact end up being valuable lessons and stepping stones to a brighter and stronger future. Kanha helps us to realise what we want out of life and where we want to be. He helps us to realise the things we are willing to compromise on and the others that we are not willing to make compromises about. I want to emphasise again that HE LOVES US and ALWAYS WILL. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kanha gives us willpower

Have you ever said you were going to do something or perhaps stay away from something and found it a difficult task to keep to? It happens to all of us, we sometimes find it hard to exercise our willpower to not do something, eat something, say something. Kanha helps us to break our little addictions and bad habits though and He gives us the willpower we need to do the right thing instead of the wrong. Whenever we need a little boost and extra strength we should turn to Him and ask for His help to keep to our goals and tasks. Kanha never ever leaves us alone or lets us down. He is always with us and He always guides us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kanha gives us help

Kanha helps us when we need it. Often times when we need His help, He helps us even without us asking. We often do not realise when He helps us but He does so with ease and takes care of us. He wants us to be happy and we should never think that He is doing something to intentionally hurt us. Instead, He wants us to learn from small mistakes so that we do not repeat them or make bigger mistakes in the future. He helps us to get out of bad situations and He broadens our horizons for the future. Kanha, thank You for loving us and guiding us in this way and please continue to help us always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Kanha gives us strength

Have you ever experienced a feeling of strength that you never knew you had? I think you have and do you know who is the source of that sudden strength? Why Kanha of course. He gives us strength that we never knew we possessed and He guides us through bad to good. He helps us to deal with problems in our lives so that we may achieve and succeed what He wants for us. He sometimes gives us difficult situations to deal with so that we discover the strength that we did not know existed in us. He provides for us things that even we did not know that we needed. Kanha loves us and we should remember that always. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kanha teaches us

Kanha is a friend, a guide, He is God but He is also a teacher. Think back to the Mahabharat and how well He taught Arjuna and those words remain with us even today to serve as a guide to us and how we should live our daily lives. Kanha is always teaching us things and even when our lives are not following the paths that we desire, we should remember that He is teaching us a lesson and asking us to make decisions on our own so He can see how well we have learnt from Him. We should think carefully about the things we do and the way we react to situations daily because our reactions tend to become ingrained in our minds and so we learn and perhaps repeat them. Its fine if its a good reaction but many times our reactions are not the best ones they could have been. At those times we should stop and think about how to improve our behaviour and how to become better people. Kanha will guide us as long as we ask Him to. He will always protect us and keep us safe and He will never stop teaching us. Jai Shri Krishna!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kanha helps us to make decisions

I know I write about this topic a lot and it seems that I keep saying over and over again that Kanha makes decisions for us, He guides us, He loves us. Its true but He also takes care of us in a way that no one else has and no one else will because He is Kanha and He alone can do what is right for us. Kanha loves us and He cares for us. He will always help us with difficult decisions, but, we must remember to call on Him first so that we will have the benefit of His expert advice. Kanha, thank You for Your love and please continue to help us to make decisions in our lives - even the mundane ones like what to wear that day! Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kanha helps

Kanha helps us all and we often don't even realise how much He is helping and taking care of us. He keeps us safe and He does many things to make us happy. He guides us and loves us and protects us. He carries us through to the good away from the bad. Kanha makes us see that there are certain things that we should change about ourselves. He helps us to understand that bad things happen for a reason and often that reason is to pave the way for better things in the future. Kanha helps us in little ways like allowing us to cross the street safely, to achieve something that we worked hard for but still were doubtful that we could achieve. Kanha always helps us so we should show our love for Him by helping others and spreading His word. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Kanha helps us to keep our promises

Many times in life we make promises and we become tempted to not keep them because keeping promises is sometimes difficult. It may be the most difficult to keep promises to ourselves because we feel like we are not disappointing anyone. However, we are disappointing ourselves and Kanha if we made a promise for a particular reason and then reneged on it. Things become difficult to deal with when we cannot keep our own promises and persons may lose trust in us. We must stop and consider if we can really keep the promises before we make them and we must learn to ask Kanha for help if we need it. He will always help us and He helps us to exercise self control in situations where we felt we could not. He helps us to think things through with a level head so that we can keep our promises and not act rashly. Kanha helps us to achieve our full potential and to do things we did not think were possible. Jai Shri Krishna!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Faith in Kanha

Faith and trust are two terms that are interlinked. We always hear people say 'Have a little faith' usually they are referring to things working out in some way when we are upset or sad or worried or somehow distressed over a situation. We should remember that faith in Kanha is something that we have to work at, like everything else in life. We also need to work at our faith and trust in others around us. But, we should not put our faith and trust in others too easily. We have learned this because we know that sometimes people are not what they seem and do tend to be untrustworthy. There are many things that people can say and not mean. But, we often judge Kanha based on these same standards and that is wrong. We cannot judge Him. He is God and He is ALWAYS worthy of our faith and our trust. He will always take care of us and do what is best for us, even if we cannot see it now. His guidance, love and protection are things that we need to believe in and trust that even if the circumstances seem bad now, He will make them better in the future. Kanha, thank You for being around for us all the time and for helping us through our daily lives. Please help us all to be more faithful servants of You and to remember that we can always trust You. Jai Shri Krishna!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kanha teaches us lessons

Many times in life we think that the grass is greener on the other side. But, are we really sure of it? When we stop to look and think about the pros and cons of leaving our comfort zones and moving on to something new, sometimes we balk at it. Even when it comes in the form of an excellent opportunity. Kanha uses those little things to teach us lessons about ourselves. There are things we never knew about ourselves that we keep learning every single day of our lives. Sometimes when we stop to think about these things we are uncertain about how to proceed and we question our own standards and methods of doing things. But that is okay, it means that we are learning and growing as people. Kanha forces us to make decisions that will help us to be better people in the long run and He is always there to guide us. We merely have to ask for His help and divine intervention in our lives. Kanha will always help us and take care of us. He will always see us through to the good times and He will teach us kind lessons along the way as well as hard lessons. But they are all necessary for our personal growth. Let us all ask Kanha to guide us and love us and carry us through to do the right thing and to make the right decision, even if it is a difficult one. Kanha, please be with us always. Thank You for Your love. We love You now and we always will. Jai Shri Krishna!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Kanha sends messages to us

Kanha answers all of our prayers. Sometimes the answer is 'no', sometimes its 'not yet', sometimes He tells us 'yes' but He sends a lesson with that. There are times in all of our lives when we have to learn to decipher the messages that Kanha is sending us and to change our behaviours. There are other times when we must continue to do the right thing in spite of everyone else being against it. Following the crowd is relatively easy but doing the right thing is not always so. Kanha, thank You for guiding us every single day of our lives. Please forgive us for not always realising that You are there with us all the time and the little negative things that happen are due to You intervening to keep us happy. Please help us all to remember that You know best and that trusting You is the safest thing we can do. Please help us to maintain our friendships and relationships with those we care about. Jai Shri Krishna!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kanha teaches us to be wary

Being wary is not the same as being weary. A wary person is pleasantly tired form his long day on the cricket field and is wary about where they intend to go next. Being weary means the person is extremely tired and eagerly awayaitng the sold med ise id. Dear Kanha, Thank You for listening to even the most trivial of our prayers. Thank You for guiding me, loving , protecting me. I ask the same for all persons reading this blog right now. Jai Shri Krishna!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kanha, please continue to offer Your protection

Kanha, we all need You and we need Your protection most of all. Your protection helps us to get through many obstacles in the day - obstacles that even we did not know were in front of us. Kanha, You guide us and lead us away from harm. You send persons to us who will protect us. You will always take care of us. You will always protect us and we have to remember that. Kanha, You even teach us how to protect ourselves. We always safe with You. Thank You for that. Jai Shri Krishna!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Kanha will guide us

We have to believe that Kanha will guide us to our destination and that He has a chosen a good path and a good life for us. He is in control of our lives and He will always take care of us. His guidance and love and protection are things that we should cherish. Every single experience in our lives is carefully thought out by Him and the lessons we learn from those experiences help to make us a better person. Kanha, thank You for Your guidance. Please help us to all have the presence of mind to listen to You when You talk to us and to understand that even if we cannot see into the future, You can and You will always choose what is best for us. I like this picture because its almost as if Kanha is showing Radha that there is something in the future to look forward to. Jai Shri Krishna!

Kanha, You send protectors

Kanha sends protectors to us. In life Kanha sends us protection and protectors in many different forms and when we least expect it. He sends us persons who can take care of us and keep us safe. He sends us love and happiness and peace. But most of all, He sends us love. Protection and love go hand in hand because Kanha protects us and others protect us because they love us and do not want any harm to come to us. Kanha will always take care of us and we have to trust in the protection that He sends for us. Jai Shri Krishna!