Monday, January 2, 2012


Whenever we have an important task to do we like to take some time preparing for it - we study for exams, practice for interviews and big sporting games, we train our minds and our bodies for these things. But, do we prepare for worship adequately? Do we train our souls? We should. Kanha sends us little messages throughout the day and we should become attuned to His little bits of information. We may see His picture or a temple on our way to school or work, we may hear a bhajan on the radio, we may see His murti in our houses or a forwarded email may come up about prayer and praying. We may even see an ad that reminds us of Him - there are so many little things that remind us of His presence and we should train our souls to recognise these things. We need to learn to whisper little prayers and thoughts to Him throughout the day so that He feels included in our lives. We all advocate that relationships are hard work and we have to make the effort to connect to our significant others. But isn't Kanha also significant in our lives? He should be the most significant and so we should try to connect with Him all through the day and all through our lives. Often I hear people say that older persons should detach from the material world and focus on God some more. However, when we get old should not be the only time that we want to be closer to God. We should build up our relationship with Him all through our lives. In doing so we are preparing our souls for Kanha and are making ourselves better people. Jai Shri Krishna!

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