Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Looking towards the future

Looking towards the future is not always easy. We sometimes like to dwell on the past and how we should have done things differently. But dwelling on the past is harmful, it makes us think that we can change what happened in the past and we can't. Whenever we say or do something, we cannot change it or take it back. That is why our actions and our thoughts must be guided carefully. However, Kanha often gives us an opportunity to change and to do better than we did in the past. We must let our past mistakes guide our future actions. We should be positive about our futures and try not to have regrets in our lives. Kanha is there to guide our actions. Sometimes He does not give us what we want but that is because He has a bigger and better plan for us in the future. Let us all look towards the future with positive minds and remember Kanha in our thoughts so that our actions today will also be positive to reflect on. Jai Shri Krishna!

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