Sunday, January 8, 2012

Having fun

Come on, let's admit it, we all like to have fun! We love partying and enjoying with our friends and our relatives. However, we should remember that there are limits to all good things and before we go to a party we should mentally set limits for ourselves. We must think about what we need to do to be sure that our fun is safe and accident free. Of course, we must ask for Kanha's help to guide us to make the right decisions while we are having fun and partying. Kanha's purpose was to show us how to enjoy life, my pundit told me that. I think I've told you that story too many times to count! But, even though that was His purpose, He also showed us that we must remember to refrain from overdoing anything and from doing anything that is against His wishes. Think about how you feel when you make a bad decision - you feel awful and sad and upset for a long time. You wonder how to make things normal and better again. You wonder about apologising to people you may have hurt, but sometimes you feel too ashamed to do so. I am sure that you do not like feeling upset or sad after you have had a fun time. This is what Kanha wanted us to know also. He showed us that we must have the presence of mind to make the right decisions. Let us all make a resolution for the new year to enjoy ourselves in a dignified manner and to seek Kanha's blessings before we go out to parties. Remember that He approves of us enjoying ourselves. Jai Shri Krishna!

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