Sunday, December 4, 2011

The importance of relationships

As long as we exist in the world we need to establish relationships with others. Some of these have been pre-established - relatives and those whom we are connected to by blood. But others are built over time - in particular friendships, good relations with neighbours, coworkers, bosses, acquaintances, people we meet every single day. One important thing that we learn is common courtesy and the importance of being pleasant to others. Of course some people generally have unpleasant dispositions. However, they should try their very best to work on this and to be more pleasant. Others are very soft spoken and shy. They should also work on becoming braver. Yet others may sometimes be too kind and unable to stand up for themselves in the face of mild or major adversity. Kanhaji reminds us daily how important it is to maintain good and honest relationships - He watches us do everything that we do and He keeps us safe. He shows us how to be respectful to our parents - this is illustrated by His relationship with both sets of His parents. He teaches us how to be a good sibling - His relationships with Balarama in particular illustrates this. He teaches us how to be a good friend - how He treated Draupadi and His friendships with the Gopas and Gopis. He even shows us how to be an attentive partner - His relationship with Radharani. He teaches us how to be a good relative - He was Arjuna's dearest friend. He was kind to strangers - He filled the woman's basket with jewels. He was good to animals - He fed the cows and tended to them daily. Kanhaji shows us how to approach each relationship. Jai Shri Krishna!

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