Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Accepting the life that we have is often hard. Many people are not perfectly happy with their lives. It is in human nature to strive for better and to want the ideal. However, our lives all have problems and all have benefits. We need to stop and count our blessings and accept the lives that we have. We must learn that the circumstances we experience are due to Kanhaji's will. He decides everything for us - when and how we should rewards, if at all and when and how to send us hard times and good times. He helps us to learn life's lessons - the easy way and the hard way. He cares for us in a way like none other and He sends us little care packages along the way - the joy of true friendship, encouraging comments and little smiles. He may also send us some negative comments and frowns to remind us that we also have a responsibility to cheer others up and sometimes, the negative comments help us to succeed and become more accomplished. Kanhaji loves us and we should remember that above all else. Accepting the lives we have and learning to enjoy the good things and to work through the bad or to realise why He may not have given certain things to us, will help us in the end. Sometimes bad things happen to good people but we are always made stronger and wiser for it. Jai Shri Krishna!

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