Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hints jog our memories, they help us to remember things that we were sure we would forget. Kanhaji sends us hints for all sorts of things - for our chores, to remind us to pray, to do certain things, not to do others. The question is, do we understand these hints, and if we do, do we obey them? Sometimes we may miss the meaning that Kanhaji wanted to portray to us and instead we see something else. Kanhaji keeps us safe above all else. He loves us so much and we do not always realise it. Sometimes we treat Him so badly and we blame Him for wrong things happening in our lives. However, Kanhaji created us with free will - the right to choose what to do. Some of us choosee the right things nd others choose wrong things. Kanhaji becomes either happy or unhappy depending on what we have chosen to do for ourselves. However, when we blame Him for our own choices, I am sure He gets sad. Let us all make a conscious effort to take the hints that Kanhaji sends to us - let us listen to Him and try to do all that is right. Jai Shri Krishna!

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