Sunday, December 25, 2011

Blessings and giving thanks

Sometimes we like to focus on only the negative things in our lives. But we really should focus on the positive things instead. Kanhaji gives us so many blessings and sometimes we only focus on the negative things in our lives. Today Christians across the world celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ - Christmas Day. Do you remember how happy you were to celebrate Janmashtami? Well they are also very happy to celebrate the birth of their saviour. But, we should remember one thing - God is still God - it doesn't matter what name we call Him by, He will always be with us in whatever form we choose to worship Him if we do so with a thankful and holy heart and mind. Kanhaji blesses us always and many people who are not Christians sometimes celebrate this festival because of the holidays - we have office parties, family get togethers, special Christmas lunches, brunches, dinners. We should all remember that the true meaning of such celebrations is to rejoice in the kinship borne out of that, to learn to get along better with each other and to find love for our fellow coworkers, or even strangers. Blessings come in many forms - even someone who allows us to pass freely on the road is a blessing nd sometimes when I stop to think about how fragile life is, I realise that every single breath we take is a blessing in itself. Kanhaji, thank You for loving us, for taking care of us and for blessing us. Please help us to be good people - kind, loving, strong, happy. Please help us to do what is right now and always and to remember to ask for Your help in everything that we do - even the simplest matters. Kanhaji, thank You for Your love and blessings every day. Jai Shri Krishna!

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